All ECC teams focused on wallet performance

Hi, everyone. Lightwalletd 0.4.14* was released July 4, which means the mobile wallet SDK is the only outstanding piece in ECC’s plan to resolve wallet performance issues and exit Emergency Mode. Please see table of releases below.

The lightwalletd update introduces additional gRPC methods in support of fast fund spendability and the DAGSync algorithm implementation provided with zcashd 5.6.0. This version also includes bug fixes and a change to the compact block serialization format.

All lightwalletd operators should upgrade to this latest version ahead of the mobile wallet SDK release. While the new SDK will provide backwards compatibility to non-upgraded lightwalletd environments, the new speed and performance functionality will not work unless the wallet connects to an upgraded lightwalletd server.

NOTE: This release requires a rebuild of the compact block disk cache. The process can take a few hours, depending on hardware and network speed. Please plan appropriately prior to beginning the upgrade.

Full details of the included features along with directions for upgrading a node are available at Release v0.4.14 · zcash/lightwalletd · GitHub.

  • In previous comms, we referred to this as the upcoming lightwalletd version 0.5.