Announcing Ycash, The First "Friendly Fork" of the Zcash Blockchain

Read the 2 posts twice so i didn’t miss something important. A lot of questions arise on my end thinking about this friendly-fork:

Why a chain fork and not just a project just built/improved/patched/whatever on the Zcash code?

That’s allright and makes sense, but why a fork?

This heavyly suggests that it’s allready internally decided that the Zcash founders reward will be extended. Just sounding like that in my opinion.

I personally have always huge problems when i read “fair distribution” and “fork” in one sentence. I absolutly fail to see where the fair distribution lies after ECC company, ZEC Foundation, ZEC investors automaticly will be the main holders of Ycash?
Sure, the mining begins, but the initial fair distribution is allready compromised, not?

Just a reminder that only the top coin of a given algo is 51% attack-secure. IF Ycash “joins” an algo with another top coin on it than there is a security threat!

This somehow sounds like indirect funding Zcash but i may miss something of course…

Hope? Could be, but there are as well scenarios where it works the other way. Large holders have in generally influence on a given project, just logically. I would go as far as while trying to being independend with a soft fork there is a huge dependece involved. Again one of the reasons i don’t understand why a soft fork and not a “copy-paste” project based on ZEC which would garantee way more independence at all.

Who is we? Mind sharing the other people behind this project? Any shifting/support from ECC company or ZEC foundation?

Absolutly agree with this one. Time for some clear statements by the foundation and ECC to see what there stand is on this one. This is as well important to choose which chain ultimatly to support.
IF there are any changes to the ZEC founders reward than the whole mining distribution will be changed, allocating way more funds to ZEC devs, mostly the foundation too and way less to miners… It’s just about time to get a final answer here… Just my opinion of course.