Here you go.
Enjoy? I cant speak to the law and tax stuff, but the panic has mainly been around the ECC not the foundation.
Maybe we are looking at things from a different perspective. anyway, there is the thread in all your wonderfully worded glory.
tbh I couldn’t understand the message from all the barking. The ECC has come out and said that dev funding its not hard deadline on the 31st. I was a vocal advocate that the decision could be delayed. The decision was an ECC thing not a foundation thing.
However from a technical perspective from someone who is also ‘in it for the tech’ zooko raises some very valid downstream concerns.
I am speaking purely from a technical perspective and not one of emotion nor of thinking that anyone from the foundation or the ECC has been acting in bad faith. You seem to have different information to me. but hey. your life experiences are different to mine.
does this help?
- Emergency extention to a select part to NU4 inclusions RE dev fund
- Look at the time and date stamps of the messages.
Enjoy whatever tech you move on to. I hope it brings you some kind of peace. I like growing plants.