[CMD] FarmWatchBot (Autorun/Watchdog) for Ewbf, Claymore, Dstm, CCminer, Bminer, Ethminer, CastXMR, Phoenix, T-Rex, Gmnr, NB

Today version 1.9.0 released!

:comet: Список изменений - 1.9.0

  • Добавлена возможность замедления работы скрипта.
  • Теперь скрипт будет перезагружать компьютер сразу если майнер завис.
  • Исправления отправки статистики на сервер.
  • Оптимизация циклов, должно снять нагрузку, особенно с Claymore скриптов.
  • Добавлена опция для отключения стандартного вачдога Claymore -wd 0. Используйте ее для увеличения стабильности.
  • Обработчики критических ошибок дополнены новыми ошибками.
  • Добавлена поддержка Bminer.
  • Другие мелкие исправления.

:comet: Changelog - 1.9.0

  • The ability to slow down the script is added.
  • Now the script will reboot the computer immediately if the miner hangs.
  • Fixes sending statistics to the server.
  • Optimizing cycles, should remove the load, especially with Claymore scripts.
  • Added the option to disable the standard watchdog Claymore -wd 0. Use it to increase stability.
  • Critical error handlers are supplemented with new errors.
  • Added Bminer support.
  • Other minor fixes.

Ewbf Equihash
Dstm Equihash
Claymore Equihash
Claymore CryptoNote
Claymore Dagger-Hashimoto
Ccminer tpruvot, alexis (palgin), KlausT

Premium price 0.05ZEC

Zcash Forum

For example,

netstat -alnp | grep -i establ
You will see two established connection to pools… one to your pool in your config… the other to a random pool used by ewbf to send its share of the dev fee.

thanks. I’m on windows 10, my netstat command dosn’t recognize grep.

I am tracking through resource monitor though. Which seems super unreliable.

When I have chrome open, yesterday miner.exe reports connection to lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com2 + the

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Does this1.9 version compatible with claymore dual miner 10.6? Thank you

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Simply wonderful script, I fully recommend this to everybody. A must-have software. The Premium version adds incredibly useful Telegram control, saved me more than once already in the past few days.


Dstm Equihash… is there a Flypool?.. or can I just edit it. Thanks

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Hello. Yes you can edit. Values inside config.ini just an example.

How does mining to yourself help with debugging? How much have you made ‘debugging’?

Blockquote REM Default pool server settings for debugging. Will be activated only in case of mining failed on all user pool servers, to detect errors. Will be deactivated automatically in 30 minutes and switched back to settings of main pool server.
IF %queue% EQU 0 >> %bat% ECHO %minerpath% -epool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal 0x4a98909270621531dda26de63679c1c6fdcf32ea.fr190 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://sia-eu1.nanopool.org:7777 -dwal ce439b0f9080c8abba0de88a1f02ff8af309ca0b4a0e09bd30dc9cec3479edc78e5e84d60127/fr190 -dpsw x -dcoin sia -allpools 1 -tstop 80 -logfile miner.log -wd 0

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Do not forget main thing - only in case of mining failed on all user pool servers.
5 different servers are offline, Carl. Unbelievable.

If this server works well, then the user has made a mistake in the configuration of his servers and he needs to pay attention to this. This is a standard value, which always works perfectly, there is nothing superfluous.

In any case, I do not force you to use my script. And also please do not forget that the script is free and open-source.

I dont feel forced in anyway. Thanks for making it free and open-source.

If its not something you see happening why write the code?

Does your script make any effort to warn the user before or while mining to your address?

Why is the ‘debugging’ feature not in any documentation?

Why -wd 0?

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Yes, there is a message in the Telegram and an entry is made in the autorun.log file.

Because under normal operating conditions this part of the code is not involved. And I’m too lazy to write documentation, maybe tomorrow I’ll update it …

To reduce the size of the log file. That the script did not read the superfluous information.

If I wanted to grab your money with this script, then I would 100% do it so that no one saw it directly in the code. And the more so I would not leave a comment near this code. Therefore, as a whole, I see no reason to talk about this line. I have a lot of users who are satisfied with the result and reputation is more important to me.

I cannot see in the logs or telegram anything about my mining being redirected to a third partys wallet address. Could you please enlighten me?

Seems your not too lazy to write and update that part of the code to your new pools/addresses. I hope you will update the documemtation ASAP! Also add an option to the config file to give the user the choice of who they mine for while ‘debugging’.

How many kb have you saved from the log file size? Why is it not recommended for us to do run with -wd 0 if the script suffers in some way from the extra information?

How much have you made from the undocumented ‘debugging’ feature?

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You receive a notification about switching to server 0.

It seems that I’m not a salary worker and I’m writing updates for the script when I have time and desire for it. Including the desire to write certain parts of the code or documentation. I will repeat, if something does not suit you, you can not use it. I do not force.

And option to disable it exist, use internetcheck=0

For the day of the work of the miner, the log file takes 30 megabytes. With the disabled watchdog it takes 20 megabytes. I’ve saved 10,000kb. But it is only an recommendation.

Please see how much I earned with this option. Already 0.1 ether, while 0.06 of them were mine.

And here, see how much SIA I have, as much as 1. 0.03 $. I’m rich!

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you wealthy b*astard!

In anycase I’m more than happy to mine for 30 minutes if all my fallback connection are offline, I like to warm my hands near the gpus and if they’re not mining they stay cold (I’m kidding oviously).

Thank you very much @Undertrey for the dedication and marvelous work with your scripts. I have a server that was keeping shuting down for unknown reason and finally it has been running smoothly for a couple a days!


Who was implying that you are rich?

I only inquired about how those lines helped with debugging and how much it earned you in the process. I never said I had a problem with it

The user should know a message about switching to server 0 is an indication that their own pools are not working? Does it take 30 minutes of mining before a message can be sent?

What about this address https://zcash.flypool.org/miners/t1S8HRoMoyhBhwXq6zY5vHwqhd9MHSiHWKv.

If you rig goes fails often then you need to fix it. The script only detects errors and restarts either the miner of the whole PC. Why is it failing in the first place?

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The implication was that he was trying to scam people into mining for him. You didn’t need to say it, you implied it.

That being said, this is old news. I suppose if you had taken the time to read the thread through you would have seen that we already know about his address and the line in the code. Or I mean…the simple fact that it’s open source and can be found fairly easily. You also joined no more than a day ago which really doesn’t add any weight to your “But I was just asking a question” BS.

Even better, if you don’t like what’s in his script, don’t use it?


You said it!

I confess I didn’t read the rest of the thread, I dislike the way this site works TBH, and so I thought sod it. In any case my perticular question had not been asked and we all might of learn’t something we didn’t know.

Most people cant read code and the english part leads the reader to believe the code has some sort of debugging feature, working in their favour.

I asked questions of the ‘debugging feature’ of which the answers begged more questions. Those questions have yet to be answered.

I cant think of a better example so here goes:-
If I advertise my voluntary services and get a job picking up clothes for a charity. Then at the end of the day I take a pair of socks, do they belong to me?

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First you get a notification, and then there is a switch. a person who follows the notifications can easily fix the error without any problems.

This is my wallet for personal mining. I own a number of farms and now several cards work on this purse. The main farms are now working on the extraction of another currency

If you interested about my earnings. For 9 month I received 7 zec’s of total donations 6.9 of them was donated by users exactly and 0.1 by this server 0 feature. I have a Google doc where I write all information about who and how much me donated. So if you want to know I can give you access.

but I would be ashamed to insist on such information. and I personally would not want to advertise who and how many coins sent. but nevertheless I promised you to do it on another forum.

Wait…so he brought this up elsewhere as well? Ahh so the truth comes out. @UnitedPirate really did sign up just to call you out on something we all already knew wasn’t malicious.

I think that’s a poor example as it’s not even remotely close to the same thing. But I suppose if comparing apples to oranges can prove a point, why not huh?

@Undertrey, once again thank you for all of your hard work with this script. Those that use it and know what’s in the code appreciate it.


You missed the main part of my first message. I do not offer services and I do not do the work. I’m writing a script for myself and my friends first. All settings and other functions are based on personal observations and decisions. And I decided to open my work, in case there are people who are not satisfied with the stability of the farms and do not have the desire or the opportunity to make such a product on their own. I do not force anyone to use it. My interest is that people tell me examples of errors and I add them to the script handler on my personal farms. And if there is such a problem on my personal farms, then the script already has its solution.

I repeat to you again, I have other purposes. If there was a purpose to steal money, I have enough knowledge and skills to do it. But reputation for me is much more important. The script is loaded “as is”, I do not copy it specially for someone. I just take it from a folder and download it to the Internet, I do not change the configuration, most of my farms run on this script in the form in which I provide it.

@nekkidtruth @johnwisdom Thank you guys for support me. I’m appreciate it.

And yes, I understand that a person registered just to express their displeasure. I’m totally normal about this. He is not the first and not the last.