[CMD] FarmWatchBot (Autorun/Watchdog) for Ewbf, Claymore, Dstm, CCminer, Bminer, Ethminer, CastXMR, Phoenix, T-Rex, Gmnr, NB

Well done Sherlock. Isn’t a forum a place to be joined for discussion? Do you think everyone that has downloaded this script is fully aware of whats in it? I posted the same questions in two places, the second only after the first was not replied to for a day or two. Does it matter anyway, at all?

Sorry I know its not a very good analogy but its all I could think of. Offering services for free while taking a bit without telling anyone.

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I don’t care how much you do or don’t have. What I really want is for you to explain the debugging ‘feature’ in the documents and make it as easily configurable as the other backup pools are. You have made a feature and forgotten to include it in the list on your documentation.

ATM the lines containing the ‘feature’ are in the BAT after ‘REM Attention. Do not touch the options below in any case.’ A normal user would not dare touch anything below that for fear of breaking something.

People are taking time out of their own day, to sign up for a forum, to warn strangers of a potential threat to their mining, such evil people!

If pool 1 gets disconnected after an hour. Pool 2 is used for an hour then gets disconnected also. The same then happens with pools 3, 4 and 5. Which pool is mined on next?

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If pool 1 disconnected, script will try to connect for pool 2, and after 30 minutes will reconnect to pool 1 again. If pool 1 disconnected, script will try to connect for pool 2, and if pool 2 disconnected too it will connect to pool 3. After 30 minutes again return to 1.

Server 0 will work in case only if all 5 pool server are offline. And you will be notified about this (1st notification about pool 1 offline switching to pool 2, then about pool 2 offline switching to pool 3, then about 4 and 5. And only after that you will receive notification about pool 0). So if all 5 pools are offline it means only 2 things: 1) Apocalypse, 2) You wrote 5 same servers and they all are down. And you see that it is not a problem with miner and internet or something like this, because on default values it is working ok. So you are 100% sure that this problem is about server.

So it is not a kind of hide-mining or something like this. And you can change this values to yours if you want. But in general it doesn’t matter because it is really rare thing. You can use internetcheck=0 to disable it. You can use another software. I do not force you. As I said before I just post my own work from my computer “as is” because I have not so much time for other things (documentation, explaining features, etc etc. I just basically describe it and post changelogs with short info). I’m not a sallary worker here, I post this only when I have time and desire.

P.s. You talking that you can read code and understand it without any problems, so why you thinking that in case of server was disconnected and after switching to next server it will leave on it for a while?

And please repost this posts to bitcointalk if it is possible. I saw that you wrote there too exactly the same messages, but I’m a bit lazy right now to login and answer there. :smiley:


This cleared up a lot of confusion for me too. Thanks you! I might be giving this script a try when I get home.

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That does clear some things up indeed, not at all as bad as I first though. However you getting any mining from me because all or any of my pools are offline, without adequate, prior information, is still disturbing. No matter how little you are making, it costs the user electricity.

This feature and how to change the values should be in the documentation if not added it to the config. No where does it say that internetcheck=0 will disable the debugging feature. If its really that rare than why bother adding that code at all. Could you not just as easily made it stop with an error and wait for the user to acknowledge?

You’ve spent time listing all the features but missed this one. In a recent update you made it so the autorun window tells you which profile is loaded. Its a great feature but then to talk of having no time to add one feature to the list seems a little ridiculous to me.

P.S. Who said I could read code and understand it with no problems? I only implied that I might have better understanding than most people would. I saw the part of code with an address in it and I could kinda see what was going on but wasn’t 100% sure so I asked.

Your right I made sure I wrote exactly the same messages in both forums. I even copied your replies over to keep the threads the same, then you came along and messed it up! You copy your own posts over, I did the first few for you. Go on you can do it. :smiley:

EDIT Just noticed that I didn’t ask the question about the pools over there. I got caught up fending off white knights. Would you like me to post it there?

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@UnitedPirate, Please stop harassing this great developer.
If he didn’t have to spend time replying to you every day, the documentations and features would be even better !

He offered this script to the community for free.
And now, we have to read your stupid assumptions, bad analogies, and low importance comments. Are you a badly designed bot, or just another useless troll ?

@Undertrey Thank you for all your open source work, you are a great contributor for the community. I truly respect your professionalism and transparence; you have been very patient and polite to this troll. I’m sorry its happening to you !


I use this script (in 1.6.2) as of September 2017 for ewbf, and since October for dstm (in 1.7.3) and until now no one has taken off my coins.
I know that from when I’m on a premium version with all the possibilities it provides, it’s much easier for me to dig and switch from the algorithm to the algorithm.
It can be installed instead of a failover server, servers for other coins.
And a simple server command spreads from one coin to another, as desired.
So these statements of the user do not stand.
Not to mention all the advanced features, restart, shutdown, remember, info …

Thank you @Undertrey

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@UnitedPirate the internet is full of doors, just take one and leave Undertrey alone


Thank you to all users for suppoirt and trust.
And thank you @UnitedPirate for your attention at all. I will think about it. But i want to ask you for help me with English language grammar because it is not my native language. I decided to update documentation and messages inside my software. Contact me please in Telegram @acrefawn.


Forum for discussion sure. You’ll find people much more accommodating if you do your research (which you admitted you hadn’t done) and you’re not caught attacking the developer of one of the most popular PowerShell scripts with accusations of stealing money.

There was nothing malicious about his script and the insinuation was there on your part. Even for someone who doesn’t understand code, it was pretty clear what was happening and how you could literally change it’s behavior. You opted to go the sneaky route and mask your accusation with a sly question. I apologize if I saw through it so easily.

@Undertrey is a true gentleman for responding the way he has thus far. I wouldn’t have been so accommodating personally especially with the way you were backhandedly accusing him of stealing.


Today version 1.9.1 released!

:comet: Список изменений - 1.9.1

  • Добавлена поддержка последней версии Claymore, Dstm, Bminer.
  • Исправлено отображение температуры Bminer.
  • Большиснтво параметров перенесено в файл конфигурации.
  • Разрешено использовать скрипты для разных майнеров одновременно на 1 компьютере.
  • Исправлено и дополнено текстовую составляющую скрипта. Теперь большинство функций описаны более грамотно и детально. Надеюсь будет решен спор на тему нулевого сервера.
  • Увеличено время ожидания до перезагрузки или выключения компьютера на 30 секунд.
  • Увеличена разница между отправленными и принятыми шарами до 15 минут.
  • Исправлена ситуация когда номер в имени компьютера ошибочно воспринимался как часть команды.
  • Добавлена возможность обновлять скрипт через Телеграм команду.
  • Исправлено неправильное отображение сервера для Bminer.
  • Телеграм команды теперь доступны для использования до полной загрузки скрипта.

:comet: Changelog - 1.9.1

  • Added support for the latest version of Claymore, Dstm, Bminer.
  • Fixed Bminer temperature display.
  • The majority of the parameters are transferred to the configuration file.
  • It is allowed to use scripts for different miners simultaneously on 1 computer.
  • The text component of the script has been fixed and added. Now most of the functions are described more competently and in detail. I hope the dispute on the topic of the zero server will be resolved.
  • Increased the waiting time before restarting or turning off the computer for 30 seconds.
  • The difference between sent and received shares is increased to 15 minutes.
  • Fixed a situation where the number in the computer name was mistakenly perceived as part of the command.
  • The ability to update the script via the Telegram command is added.
  • Fixed incorrect server mapping for Bminer.
  • Telegram commands are now available for use until the script is fully loaded.

Ewbf Equihash
Dstm Equihash
Claymore Equihash
Claymore CryptoNote
Claymore Dagger-Hashimoto
Ccminer tpruvot, alexis (palgin), KlausT

Premium price 0.05ZEC


Hi, firstly thanks for your great work.

I’m not sure if this has been answered or if it’s obvious but I mine zcl with one gpu and zec with another gpu. Is there a way to run the script as a watchdog for both of these or can i run two instances of the script simultaneously?

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It is possible to use 1 Ewbf and 1 Dstm miner at the same time (easy)

Or you can open script for editing and change

SET cmddoubleruncheck=1


SET cmddoubleruncheck=0

Then rename .exe file of 1st miner to zm1.exe and second to zm2.exe
Same with .bat files for start.

Wow, THANK YOU. This little script is absolutely perfect.
Keep up the good work!
Highly recommended!


hallo :slight_smile: thank you for your hard work

can i use this script for nicehash miner?

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can you make ewbf with https://zec.nanopool.org too?

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Спасибо за очередное обновление!
В шапке написано, что доступна версия 1.9.3, это так и есть, или опечатка?

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Так и есть. Сегодня 1.9.4. Получился маленький раш. Все обновления (1.9.2, 1.9.3 и 1.9.4) будут сбиты в 1.9.4.

Понятно)) Кстати, версия 1.9.3 для Bminer не захотела работать. Пробовал и на старой версии майнера и на свежескачанной.
Скрипт запускается, создает конфиг файл и отключается. В логе пишет: Config_Bmnr.ini created. Please check it.

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Советую перекачать. Проверил, у меня все работает отлично.