[CMD] FarmWatchBot (Autorun/Watchdog) for Ewbf, Claymore, Dstm, CCminer, Bminer, Ethminer, CastXMR, Phoenix, T-Rex, Gmnr, NB

Today version 1.9.4 released!

:comet: Список изменений 1.9.2 - 1.9.3 - 1.9.4

  • Добавлена поддержка отображения большего количества видеокарт в Claymore.
  • Увеличен таймер ожидания создания файла логов на 5 секунд.
  • Уменьшено время ожидания перед перезагрузкой компьютера в случае потери соединения на 5 минут.
  • Добавлена возможность переписывать то количество серверов, которое было задано изначально, а не всегда 5.
  • Добавлен режим internetcheck=2 - отключает переключение серверов но оставляет за собой проверку интернета.
  • Изменения на стороне сервера бота. Запуск новой версии сервера команд.
  • Теперь Бимайнер корректно видит и распознает ошибки.
  • Улучшено распознавание имен Ригов.
  • Ускорена обработка Телеграм команд.
  • Скрипт теперь принимает команды поочередно (одну за другой), а не только последнюю.
  • Добавлена ошибка в обработчик для Dstm и Ewbf майнеров.
  • Исправлена команда pool для Bminer.
  • Добавлена возможность отключить полностью все уведомления в Телеграм.
  • Сервер и майнер не будет переключатся если он уже работает на этой опции.
  • Добавлена проверка целостности файла после обновления, а также проверка на использование последней версии скрипта.
  • Поддержка Claymore Neoscrypt и Ethminer.
  • Поддержка отображения информации для Ccminer lux.
  • Оптимизация отображения информации для Ccminer.
  • Дополнены и исправлены обработчики ошибок Ccminer, Bminer.
  • Добавлены боты для более быстрой обработки онлайн сервера.
  • Добавлена проверка на отправку пустых сообщений.
  • Немного удалось ускорить чтение логов для Claymore.
  • Улучшения апдейтера.
  • Мелкие и косметические исправления.

:comet: Changelog - 1.9.2 - 1.9.3 - 1.9.4

  • Added support for displaying more video cards in the claymore.
  • Increased the wait logging timer for 5 seconds.
  • Reduced the wait time before rebooting the computer in the event of a connection loss for 5 minutes.
  • Added the ability to overwrite the number of servers that were initially assigned, and not always 5.
  • Added the mode internetcheck = 2 - disables the switching of servers but reserves the Internet check.
  • Changes on the server side of the bot. Run a new version of the command server.
  • Now Bminer correctly sees and recognizes errors.
  • Improved recognition of Rig names.
  • The processing of Telegram commands is accelerated.
  • The script now takes commands one at a time (one after another), not just the last one.
  • An error has been added to the handler for the Dstm and Ewbf miners.
  • Fixed the pool command for Bminer.
  • Added the ability to completely turn off all notifications in Telegram.
  • The server and the miner will not switch if it already works on this option.
  • Added file integrity check after update, as well as checking for the latest version of the script.
  • Added support for Claymore Neoscrypt and Ethminer.
  • Support for displaying information for Ccminer lux is provided.
  • Optimization of information display for Ccminer.
  • The error handlers Ccminer, Bminer are added and corrected.
  • Added bots for faster processing of the online server.
  • Added check for sending empty messages.
  • A little has been done to speed up reading the logs for Claymore.
  • Improvements of the updater.
  • Minor and cosmetic corrections.

Ewbf Equihash - Ewbfautorun.bat
Dstm Equihash - Dstmautorun.bat
Claymore Equihash - ClayZECautorun.bat
Claymore CryptoNote - ClayXMRautorun.bat
Claymore NeoScrypt - ClayNSautorun.bat
Claymore Dagger-Hashimoto - ClayETHautorun.bat
Ethminer Dagger-Hashimoto - Ethrautorun.bat
Ccminer tpruvot, alexis (palgin), KlausT - CCautorun.bat

Premium price 0.05ZEC or eq in other cryptocurrency.

Late to the party…

I wrote scripts in the 80’s to reboot bulletin boards that would continually crash for all sorts of reasons

This is music to my ears - Replying to this to catch updates…

Lots of catch up reading I see - Cheers!

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Перезалил, всё работает отлично!

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Need linux! Until then I’ll keep using my own. I would gladly pay for something higher quality on linux that uses nvidia-smi & nvidia-settings. Maybe I’ll release mine…


Pretty please root? :slight_smile:

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I will not release scripts for Linux because already exist some good products on it.
I do not want to compete with them.

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Today version 1.9.5 released!

:comet: Список изменений - 1.9.5

  • Добавлена проверка на размер файла логов.
  • Добавлен еще один бот для помощи в обработке запросов.
  • Изменено количество логов и скриншотов, которые сохраняются в папках с 50 до 30.
  • Параметр hashrate= в config.ini дополнен информацией.
  • Исправлена проблема корректного чтения скорости Ethminer.
  • Добавлена еще одна ошибка в обработчик для Ccminer.
  • GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR теперь равно 1 для Claymores Zec и Xmr.
  • Косметические исправления.

:comet: Changelog - 1.9.5

  • Added check for the size of the log file.
  • Added another bot to help with query processing.
  • Changed the number of logs and screenshots that are stored in folders from 50 to 30.
  • The hashrate = parameter in config.ini is supplemented with information.
  • Fixed the problem of correct reading of the Ethminer speed.
  • Another error was added to the handler for Ccminer.
  • GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR is now 1 for Claymores Zec and Xmr.
  • Cosmetic fixes.

Ewbf Equihash - Ewbfautorun.bat
Dstm Equihash - Dstmautorun.bat
Claymore Equihash - ClayZECautorun.bat
Claymore CryptoNote - ClayXMRautorun.bat
Claymore NeoScrypt - ClayNSautorun.bat
Claymore Dagger-Hashimoto - ClayETHautorun.bat
Ethminer Dagger-Hashimoto - Ethrautorun.bat
Ccminer tpruvot, alexis (palgin), KlausT - CCautorun.bat

Premium price 0.05ZEC or eq in other cryptocurrency.

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hello Undertrey think you can adapt the script on multipoolminer? I love getting a script check all the parameters before launching I think it’s great
For multipool it would be enough to just check if cmd and pwsh is launched keeping all the other functions of autorun

Sorry for the translation (google trad)

Excelent work

in advance thank you for the answer

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Thank you for your post…
It’s really helpful for all us.
As a new member of Z cash i am proud to with you people.
Thank you

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I’ve been trying to figure out is it possible to use only certain gpu for example: I only want to use GPU 0 - 4 for mining. GPU 5 I want to leave it alone for other stuff im doing. I tried using “gpus=5” but it still uses GPU 0 - 5. Is it possible to to only use 5 gpus to mine even if I have 6 gpus?

Using DSTM miner with CMD AUTORUN.

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Hi Elliryx I do not know enough DSTM but with EWBF just add “–cuda_devices 0 1 2 3 4” after “SET commandserver1 =% minerpath% --server …” with this command you request the use of a particular GPU

sorry for the translation (google trad)

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hello Undertrey I had an internet problem and I had to wait 1 hour before the restart of the computer I searched and I find line 500 you wait 60 Attempt before the reboot but this is fixed I just added a variable at the beginning to choose the time before restarting can you integrate it in the next update?
I have a problem with the msi afterburner uac and I do not want to remove the UAC
I created a shortcut without UAC but I can not point to shortcut is it possible to add a variable to choose the location of msi afterburner and can point to a .lnk?

PS: do I have permission to translate all REMs and ECHOs into French?

thank you for the work i love getting script
good continuation

Sorry for the translation (google trad)

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При использовании программы с Ethminer столкнулся с такой проблемой: после запуска майнер не видит интернета. Без авторанера всё работает корректно.

Карты 1070.
В чем может быть проблема?

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Hello. Thx for your reply.

Script waiting for 60 attempts before restart only if it is running less than 10 minutes.
And wait for 15 attepts before restart if it is running more than 10 minutes.
Script is automated to choose how many time wait.

I advice you to disable UAC because it is useless on your RIG. Default antivirus is enough to protect PC.

If you want - you can translate it to French but I will support only English language. So every week you need to translate new version again. Do not waste your time :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Здравствуйте. А что внутри конфига? Может там ошибка?

Добрый день!
Вот конфиг. А имеет значение начальное название батфайла майнера?


Configuration file v. 1.9.5

=================================================== [GPU]

Set how many GPU devices are enabled.


Allow computer restart if number of loaded GPUs is not equal to number of enabled GPUs. [0 - false, 1 - true]


Set the total average hashrate of this Rig. Best to set slightly below your reported hashrate. If your miners hasrate drops below the value you set here the script will restart your miner.


=================================================== [Miner]

Set the main server mining command here to auto-create Ethr_miner.bat file if it is missing or wrong. [keep default order]

commandserver1=ethminer.exe -S eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -O 0x59643f86f3f2ecf331769b9266a36098dfae243a.etherminer -X -HWMON 0 -RH --farm-recheck 2000

When the main server fails, Ethrautorun.bat will switch to the additional server below immediately. [in order]

Configure miner command here. Old Ethr_miner.bat will be removed and a new one will be created with this value. [keep default order] internetcheck=1 required.

The default number of servers is 5, however, you can add or remove as many as you need. e.g. you can have servers 1 2 3 or you can have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. There is no upper limit - e.g. you can have 1000 if you want. The minimum is 1.

commandserver2=ethminer.exe -S eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -O 0x59643f86f3f2ecf331769b9266a36098dfae243a.etherminer -X -HWMON 0 -RH --farm-recheck 2000
commandserver3=ethminer.exe -S eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -O 0x59643f86f3f2ecf331769b9266a36098dfae243a.etherminer -X -HWMON 0 -RH --farm-recheck 2000
commandserver4=ethminer.exe -S eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -O 0x59643f86f3f2ecf331769b9266a36098dfae243a.etherminer -X -HWMON 0 -RH --farm-recheck 2000
commandserver5=ethminer.exe -S eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -O 0x59643f86f3f2ecf331769b9266a36098dfae243a.etherminer -X -HWMON 0 -RH --farm-recheck 2000

=================================================== [Overclock program]

Autorun and check to see if already running of GPU Overclock program. [0 - false, 1 - true XTREMEGE, 2 - true AFTERBURNER, 3 - true GPUTWEAK, 4 - true PRECISION, 5 - true AORUSGE, 6 - true THUNDERMASTER]


Additional option to auto-enable Overclock Profile for MSI Afterburner. Please, do not use this option if it is not needed. [0 - false, 1 - Profile 1, 2 - Profile 2, 3 - Profile 3, 4 - Profile 4, 5 - Profile 5]


Set MSI Afterburner wait timer after start. Important on weak processors. [default - 120 sec, min value - 1 sec]


Allow Overclock programs to be restarted when miner is restarted. Please, do not use this option if it is not needed. [0 - false, 1 - true]


=================================================== [Timers]

Restart MINER every X hours. Set value of delay [in hours] between miner restarts. Note - this will be the number of hours the miner has been running. [0 - false, 1-999 - scheduled hours delay]


Restart COMPUTER every X hours. Set value of delay [in hours] between computer restarts. Note - this will be the number of hours the miner has been running. [0 - false, 1-999 - scheduled hours delay]


Restart miner or computer every day at 12:00. [1 - true miner, 2 - true computer, 0 - false]


Restart miner or computer every day at 00:00. [1 - true miner, 2 - true computer, 0 - false]


=================================================== [Other]

Enable Internet connectivity check. [0 - false, 1 - true full, 2 - true without server switching]

Disable Internet connectivity check only if you have difficulties with your connection. [ie. high latency, intermittent connectivity]


Enable additional environments. Please do not use this option if it is not needed, or if you do not understand its function. [0 - false, 1 - true]



Enable last share timeout check. Your miner sends and receives shares - if there is a delay of more than 15 minutes between the send/receive, the script will think that the miner is stuck and restart the miner. [0 - false, 1 - true]


Number of errors before computer restart. Once the threshold is reached, the computer will restart. [5 - default, only numeric values]


Number of hashrate errors before miner restart. Once the threshold is reached, the miner will restart. [5 - default, only numeric values]


Name miner file process. Only change this if you have changed the default name of your ethminer.exe file. [in English, without special symbols and spaces]


Path to miner. Do not change if the script and miner are in the same folder. Only use this option if you plan to switch between multiple miners. [in English, without special symbols and spaces]


Name start mining .bat file. [in English, without special symbols and spaces]


Name server for ping. Default is google.com - change if you have difficulty reaching Google servers. [in English, without special symbols and spaces]


Slowdown script for weak CPUs. Increase this value incrementally [1 by 1] if your hashrate drops because of script. This may slow down the responsiveness of the script. [5 - default, only numeric values]


=================================================== [Telegram notifications]

To enable Telegram notifications enter here your chatid, from Telegram @FarmWatchBot. [0 - disable]


Name your Rig. [in English, without special symbols]


Enable hourly statistics through Telegram. [0 - false, 1 - true full, 2 - true full in silent mode, 3 - true short, 4 - true short in silent mode, 5 - disable useless Telegram notifications]


=================================================== [Additional program]

Enable additional program check on startup. [ie. TeamViewer, Minergate, Storj etc] [0 - false, 1 - true]


Process name of additional program. [Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to find the process name]


Path to file of additional program. [ie. C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe]

approcesspath=C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe

Попробовал в папку положить свежескачаный авторанер без каких-то изменений, картина та же. Почему-то думает, что нет интернет соединения

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Мне конфиг нужен, чтобы я сейчас у себя на этом конфиге запустил, нашел проблему и исправил.
До конца дня по GMT+2 залью обновы.

Вот, на ЯД залил

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Яндекс заблокирован.
Использоал конфиг что выше, все отлично работает.

У меня ни в какую не хочет(( Добавил папку с майнером в исключения защитника на всякий случай, без толку.
Не могли бы Вы выложить полностью папку с Вашим майнером? Хочу поискать, где у меня несоответствия. Можно на почту spcpb собакаяндексточкару

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