Coin Holder Polling - Instructions

That’s a fair point of view. Personally I find it critical to have all key members of this project having a voice and a way of steering the project. Key members being founders, employees, token holders, community members, or even outsiders at times (Vitalik, etc).

Those who don’t have a clue should maybe refrain from voting. Those who are following from a distance and trust specific members could delegate their vote to them. And those who are following things closely enough could certainly vote themselves.

ECC is and will very likely remain a fundamental piece of the project, just like Zooko is an awesome lead of the project and hopefully will remain so for a long time. Still, we should prepare for alternatives should they ever be needed, and they most certainly will eventually.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

btw, as a token holder with a “considerable sum of zec”, maybe you will find the following interesting:

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