(Disclaimer: As you may know I’m currently working as a contract consultant for ECC but I did not consult or consider members of ECC opinions before making this post. It’s my own opinion and not reflective of my work at ECC, they will be reading it for the first time here on the forum, same as everyone else)
It’s become evident over the past few weeks that Zcashs current governance structure is under strain. With multiple user threads posting polls, ECC putting out polls, ZF putting out polls, Aquietinvestor putting out polls, ZURE putting out questionnaires, ZECHUB polls, Twitter polls, etc…
Not to mention the confusion of polling of “separate groups” with ZAC, ZCAP, ZECHUB all competing to be the communities voice when in fact many of the same members are in two or more of those groups. It’s easy to see why users are confused, frustrated and feel that thier voice is not being heard.
How did we get here?
Last time the discussion for a dev fund came up ZF and ECC worked together to gather community sentiment on multiple ZIP proposals via various methods:
- Account age limited forum poll (to prevent ballot stuffing)
- Miner signaling via OP codes
- ZCAP polls
- Tokenholder poll (from ECC)
This process pointed us in the direction that led to ZIP 1012 and eventually ZIP 1014.
In my opinion, as it sits right now, this older process has broken down, badly. Not due to some conspiracy or intentional sabotage by some group but by the fact that we now have so many people that want to be a part of the Zcash governance conversation and they are all trying to help with the same problem. In some ways this is a good problem to have because it shows that Zcash is important and relevant to many different groups across the world. But unfortunately it’s also leading to duplication of efforts, confusion of which poll or survey “matters” to whom, users going over ambiguous questions with a fine tooth comb and calling foul play, users missing polls, etc… This multipath approach is not helping to bring us closer together, it is leading to even deeper divergence between teams and causing an unnecessary undercurrent of mistrust.
So how can we get all these separate efforts onto one path?
Step 1. Stop dividing the community into different groups and polling them separately.
ZCAP, ZAC, ZECHUB, and other groups all need to be accounted for in one large group of users. ZF, ECC, and whoever else is in charge of organizing these separate polls needs to share notes on the users they have and work together to make a new group (Super ZAC? Super ZCAP?) that has all of each other’s missing participants but not duplicates. This new combined larger group of Zcash users is where we can poll to gauge a broad community sentiment.
Step 2. Assign a moderator/mediator to design the questions for polling
Another underlying problem with the current approach is people on both sides are not comfortable with the way questions are being presented by the other side. It’s getting very nuanced where even simple words like “Dev Fund” can have multiple meanings. So my suggestion is to hire a professional neutral pollster to come up with a comprehensive list of polling questions based on the many proposals that have been put forward.
Then for ZF and ECC leadership to get together with the moderator to discuss/debate the structure and wording of those questions. This way both ECC and ZF can collaborate to design effective questions and hopefully eliminate any potential (intentional or unintentional) bias in questions.
Next those questions will be posted on the forum for public feedback, to make any tweaks.
Then finally we can present a Helios poll (or two) to the super group with those questions.
Step 3. Utilize some of the methods that worked last time, eliminate the noise
1. Forum polls
Forum polls are inherently poor and untrustworthy because anyone can make multiple accounts to push the vote however they want. To mitigate this risk last time we (Josh C, Andrew M., and myself) set a forum account age limit on which votes on a certain forum poll would be considered valid. The way to do this is after the poll closes you directly query this forums SQL database for those voters that cast a vote in a poll and prune any votes that didn’t meet the set age criteria. I would be happy to help do this again if we feel it could be useful. I would suggest the questions in such a “semi Sybil resistant” forum poll be the same or similar to the super groups Helios poll questions. Any other random forum polls before, after, or during the “official” forum voting time should be ignored.
2. Miner signaling
I know @aquietinvestor has already volunteered to contact mining pools and trying to get a better turnout than we had last time for OP code polling. I would request that someone from ECC or ZF help Jason make a easy how-to guide that pools/miners can reference. Then it’s a matter of choosing a start/stop block height for miners to do thier signals.
3. Token holder voting
Last time this was an experiment that ECC held that ended similar to the miner signals, ie: not very much participation. Zcash is a long way off from having a proper on-chain voting structure and I don’t think we have time to design something that Sybil resistant (ie: one whale dividing into many accounts to appear like more, or multiple people combining into one large account, etc…) so unless someone has a super easy and fast way to set this up I would suggest leaving it out this time around.
4. Twitter/Discord/Reddit/wherever polls
These should not be considered in decision making since they are so far away from being Sybil resistant.
That’s all, hopefully it makes sense and I hope the community can recognize the need for something to change to avoid a potential quagmire of indecision, even if it’s not following my suggestions exactly.
(Note: That I edited my post to remove a suggestion of who specifically the polling question moderator should be. ECC and ZF will need to agree on whoever is to be a question moderator)