Decentralizing the Dev Fee

Sure! I’ve flubbed the actual formula twice now, thanks for asking. Here’s a Google sheet you can copy and play with.

At 12.5 ZEC / block, that’s

Price of ZEC Principal Dev Allocation (monthly)
$30 $324,000.00
$50 $519,615.24
$80 $657,267.07
$160 $929,516.00
$320.00 $1,314,534.14
$640.00 $1,859,032.01
$1,280.00 $2,629,068.28

Post-halving at 6.25 ZEC / block, that’s

Price of ZEC Principal Dev Allocation (monthly)
$30 $162,000.00
$50 $270,000.00
$80 $432,000.00
$160 $657,267.07
$320.00 $929,516.00
$640.00 $1,314,534.14
$1,280.00 $1,859,032.01

EDIT: Updated to include post-halving numbers, thanks @tromer!

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