September 13, 2023, 7:58pm
After some awesome feedback from the community here is one option for how we can define community consensus. But we’re not done yet. Keep the feedback coming !!!
ZCAP Polling
ZCAP MUST be utilized to determine clear community consensus via polling. For the specific purpose of ratifying or amending a ZIP, polling shall present three choices: approve, reject, and withhold vote. Achieving consensus is determined when a majority of participants opt for either ‘approve’ or ‘reject’, excluding ‘withhold vote’ counts. Once a consensus is ascertained through ZCAP polling, the Zenate does not need another poll for minor alterations, as long as they remain consistent with the original intent of the ZIP and poll. For polling questions that encompass more than these three options, they will serve to gauge community sentiments regarding ZCAP’s performance, provide feedback for Zenate’s future direction, and guide Zenate members in prioritizing their contributions.
ZCAP Diversity
The Zenate aims for ZCAP diversity, encompassing developers, leaders, ecosystem partners, and users. Efforts to include both English and non-English participants are vital. The Zenate SHALL take actionable steps to achieve this diverse ZCAP representation.
Community Consensus
The Zenate’s decisions MUST resonate with the Zcash community’s consensus. ZCAP polling remains the primary consensus determinant. Each decision’s alignment with the community consensus, through ZCAP polls, needs documentation. The Zenate SHOULD also gather feedback via various community engagement avenues, such as X, forums, calls, AMAs, etc. Moreover, the Zenate is also expected to evolve and improve community polling mechanisms over time. Any introduction or change to a polling mechanism would require ratification into this ZIP and clear community consensus.