Dizzy Wallet - Minor Grants Updates

Quick update.
Milestones 3 and 4 will be swapped.

Milestone 3 was the construction of proof of concept Snack Vending Machine that accepts ZEC.
I ordered the items (Microcontrollers, dc motors, etc…) from china, but it will take a month to arrive in my country. This means 1 month of no work.

So I asked to change the milestones delivery dates and they will be swapped.
The vending machine will be delivered by December.

Milestone 3 now is the release of my node.js Zcash library on github. One could argue this is even more useful than a vending machine PoC.

My lib right now is based on zecwallet-light-lib, but I’m porting it to use zingolib instead, a more up to date implementation.

This is lib is very easy to use, see the example:

// Initialize the client
const client = new Litewallet('https://mainnet.lightwalletd.com:9067/');
// Wait the client to initialize
client.init().then(async ()=> {
    const tx = new TxBuilder() // Helper class for building transactions
        .setValue(0.05) // Amount $ZEC
        .setRecipient("zs1spqhd2ne9sl6z5k8hwjf67txtqm2rx5356hhvl3qakpuvdlcd2dsqjhrnj6gd7x07dnnvz7f7u0") // Recipient
        .setMemo("Hello Zcash!"); // Memo :)
    let txid = await client.sendTransaction(tx.getSendJson()); // Sends the transaction and get the txid
    client.deinitialize(); // Deinitialize the client

Even a non-coder can understand what is going on.

The code will be released by next month or so.

Hope you guys like this change.