Milestone 4 complete!
Hello guys, I’m really happy to announce that I’ve just completed milestone 4!
(Again, it was originally milestone 3, but I asked to switch milestones 3 and 4)
Deliverable 4.1: Other projects will be ready, like the
Snack Machine Proof of Concept.
It was hard, but finally, the Vending Machine Proof of Concept is ready.
I’m using zingolib as a backend wallet. The transaction took 2:14 minutes to complete. For now it only detects payments with 1 confirmation. In the future I plan to make it detect zero confirmation payments, so the user won’t need to wait 2 minutes to get their snack.
Yes, the machine is a bit rough around the edges, but as a Proof of Concept I believe everything went well.
For possible presentations at events I’ll polish it a little more.
The item is select using the memo field, a memo starting with 1 means the user will purchase the leftmost item, and a memo starting with a 2 means the user will purchase the rightmost item.
In the video you can see the full experience, selecting the item, scanning the QR code, paying and waiting. (I’m visually impaired, that’s why the big letters on my phone )
Deliverable 4.2: Continue development, possible bug
fixing of Dizzy Wallet
Dizzy, the discord hot wallet is being constantly maintained, had a few bug fixes and lots o new commands. The Brazilian community really love the new “hangman” game, earning ZEC for playing.
Deliverable 4.3: Continue Hosting previous work on
Virtual Private Computing service (AWS / Lightsail)
All of my projects are beeing hosted on Lightsail, no missed payment.
Projects being maintained:
- Dizzy
- The Discord Zec bot
- ZecQuiz
- Discord bot for testing members knowledge about Zcash.
- ZecStats
- Zcash stats and halving countdown
- ZecStats has a new commando for converting ZEC prices directly on discord
$zconvert 1 ZEC to USD
for example.
- ZecGPT
- ZecGPT 2.0 Uses openai’s gpt4 model. ZecGPT 2.0 are context aware and can answer questions better than before. Users also love to chat random subjects with it.
- ZecFaucet
- I’m also hosting ZecFaucet with my Minor Grant reward. ZecFaucet is a community faucet on mainnet.
It’s done!
Well, I would say everything went well.
All milestones completed! Sorry for the delay on this last one, it was harder than expected.
It was a huge pleasure to be part of the first round of minor grants. Looking forward to applly again in the future!
Once again, thanks for opportunity, and see you guys later!