Quick update on Dizzy Launch: It was a huge success!
Hello guys, I’m here to repport on the lanch of Dizzy - The discord bot for Zcash micropayments was a success!
Dizzy was announced at Zcash Brasil weekly call, 1+ ZEC was distributed to the participants.
Zcash Brasil helped a lot, promoting Dizzy on twitter
@Minevg created a new Logo for dizzy, way cooler than anything I would ever come up:
The first airdrop (zdrop) on Zcash Latam Server using Dizzy:
A fellow Zcahser @Dbarreira created a nice video in Portuguese explaining how to use Dizzy. Thanks Danilo!
So far:
- Only 1 minor bug!
- No crashes!
- No angry customers!
Discord users are really enjoying beeing able to deposit and withdraw ZEC using Sappling and Orchard addresses.
Dizzy is flexible, @dismad requested a command for tipping online users. This feature was implemented the very next day!
(The above command only send the tip for members with the role “ZecHub Community” and that were not offline at the moment of the tip)
That’s it, verry small update.
Very soon I’ll come back with the Milestone 2 updates!