Expanding ZCAP

I had an opportunity several days ago to look over the list of people on ZCAP who were eligible to vote in the last election. I hadn’t seen this list recently because I hadn’t participated in a ZCAP election in a long while. I was pleasantly surprised that I recognized almost everyone on the list as someone who has contributed something meaningful to Zcash – everything from community developers to participating in our past trusted setups.

There was at least one exception on the ZCAP list, but I’m hopeful that the new process outlined in the blog post of expelling members from the ZCAP whose interests don’t align with Zcash will rectify this. :slight_smile:

I still think that ZEC holders are not represented well in ZCAP (as the blog post mentions, this is difficult) and setting up infrastructure for ZEC holders to make their voice heard will be really helpful for governance purposes. I am afraid we (as a community) will wait until the next ZCAP vote to set up this infrastructure, which will end up looking haphazard and illegitimate, and be seen as an attempt to subvert ZCAP or some other allegation.