Dear Zcash community,
We are happy to share with you an update on what we have been working on for the ZSA project!
Zebra Node
- We have prepared an initial sequence of pull requests in our fork (Step 1: PR#24, Step 2: PR#15, Step 3: PR#16, Step 4: PR#17, Step 5: PR#18) with the changes we mentioned in our previous update. We have been pair reviewing this with the Zcash Foundation, in order to prevent a situation where we submit one big, hard-to-handle PR at the end of the process.
- In parallel, we are continuing to progress on the addition of new items to the global state. These include issued note commitments, supply, finalization and reference note tracking.
- Up next will be the consensus rules changes for OrchardZSA.
tx_tool for Zebra
- We are adding support for V6 transactions.
- We updated the setup to make use of Zebra’s new regtest mode.
Changes to the librustzcash crate
- We have updated the semantics to better support the TxV6 format.
- We also refined the transaction builder with the new logic for OrchardZSA.
- We have been responding to review comments that have been made on PR#854.
- We have also successfully resolved some of the ZSA-related open issues (for example, Issue#751 and Issue#752).
- We have also updated PR#667 regarding the fees changes for the OrchardZSA Protocol based on review comments from last week.
- We are currently working with the ZIP Editors to resolve remaining comments before the 05 November deadline for NU7 ZIPs.
OrchardZSA Audit
Least Authority has begun the audit of the OrchardZSA Protocol, and we have been supporting them with clarifications as it proceeds. As mentioned in the previous update, the scope of the audit is the OrchardZSA protocol, as reflected by the modified Orchard crate, and the OrchardZSA Halo2 circuit and dependencies.
Open Implementation PRs
- We have submitted PR#823 to the
repository and PR#429 to theorchard
repository to support the halo2 gadget changes, as described in the previous update. We will be submitting further PRs based on the split described last time after the initial review of this PR, since they build on this base. - We have made changes and responded to the review on our PR#2 to
The QEDIT Team.