Why do team members keep comming on the forums and keep saying “THE COMMUNITY VOTED FOR IT”.
Or keep telling us, “We should of voted”, “The community voted for it”, “You had the chance to vote”. You guys are constantly double talking.
Even at the start of this thread, YOU Shawn were even saying, “we could of joined to vote” as if it could of changed the outcome. Than a few sentences later are saying “had zero effect”…so why should I have signed up to vote than? It would of been pointless, so why are you guys constantly saying “we voted/or should have”?
This sounds alot like he is saying, “we should of voted, if we didnt vote, that is why ASICs won”. Sure sounds like the vote will have a impact of the outcome, but now you say the voting had ZERO impact…
IMHO having a time limit on funding is a good idea, because it enables the community to check-point the funding process more easily. If the community decides that there’s good reason to fund additional development beyond when the current funding expires (e.g. if there is still functionality that we want to see developed and deployed), then it can support another extension. If the community decides that they only want to see maintenance with no more research & development, or they want to cease all paid network support, then that’s fine too. It’s not about “letting them extend it”; it’s about enabling the community to choose what they want to support.
He sure talks about “THE COMMUNITY” making the vote/choice. And my point IS,
Is it the same vote we made LAST VOTE, the one you keep saying had NO EFFECT on the outcome. Im not sure how I can try to get this point across any more, YES i know the last vote was a sham and had no effect. Why do you think I keep saying
You start the thread out saying we should of voted, we had the chance to vote. Couple posts later you say the votes would of had ZERO effect.
Now you are telling us we have a chance to vote for funding. Why would this vote count but our last vote didnt? Can you see the point I am trying to make now?