Less power draw would be fantastic! Power draw was the WHOLE reason I bought ASIC’s in the first place. If GPU mining could be much more efficient (regarding power requirements) that would really encourage me to hang onto my 100 rx570 and maybe not pursue ASIC machines as much for this algo.
how come so many people compare power draw from GPU and ASICS?
how come noone understand facts?
ASICS create their own world.
hashrate increases. that is all.
power draw of ZCASH network - gets bigger and bigger.
because asics are build in great quantities.
GPU will move on to other coins, such as BTG, which already is MUCH more profitable than zcash.
anyone seen the new asic for zcash 180 k sols
is this real or is it a scam :X
8k for the miner, 11900k for proper case modding! ^^
i already moved my gpu rigs to a different coin
queue fireworks
He talks about Litecoin and Dash as failed ASIC resistant coins but doesn’t talk about the success of Ethereum in avoiding ASICs despite having a 3 billion dollar per year block reward (10x as high as Zcash and Litecoin, 40x as high as Dash). If his argument were valid, then it would be the case that Ethereum has the most efficient ASICs outside of Bitcoin, because it is by far the most valuable coin outside of Bitcoin. But the Ethereum ASICs that are available are hardly more efficient than a GPU. How do you explain that? Ethereum has also been around for over three years, which is much longer than Zcash, so ASIC manufacturers have had plenty of time to develop highly efficient ASICs.
The fact of the matter is that we know more know about ASIC resistance than we did just a few years ago. We know that requiring large amounts of fast memory is they key to leveling the playing field between ASICs and GPUs.
He says that hard forks “lack consensus.” I can’t think of a single case where this has been true. The market very quickly decides which chain is the legitimate chain, such as in the ETH vs ETC battle or the BTC vs BCH battle or in the BTC vs B2X battle (which ultimately never happened because the markets ruled clearly in favor of BTC). If Bitcoin – or any coin – does hard fork, even controversially, there will be very little doubt about which coin is the winner after a few days (or more likely before the fork happens due to futures markets). Finally, Zcash has centralized development, so they can hard fork whenever they want to and whatever version the developers support will be Zcash.
The asicminerCo 180ksol mach is real. I thought about getting one until I read some of the things that Jamest and a few other have had to say on here.
Sigh, my post above was flagged for moderation by some philistine.
So let us gaze upon words instead of 19th century art and reflect on recent discussion.
“I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” – Alan Greenspan
He answered this a week or so back, he doesn’t mine anything at all anymore.
He just comes here to bark at the invisible shadow
Asic Manufactors i guess, are well aware that ETH is going POS soon. We will see how this work out than with only 1/5 reward left for POW mining, no matter if gpu or asic, lol. Can’t await this moment…
I could bet that in less than a week nobody again cares about your statement and the false promise horse will be beaten again to death.

Sigh, my post above was flagged for moderation by some philistine.
If we are to have rules and apply them, let us apply them equally to all.
ETH is going PoS for a time bigger than Zcash’s existance. If such a long “PoS migration” is a form of ASIC resistance, Vitalik is genius.
And looking on how the PoS delayed I’ve concerned that actual PoS migration will be after profitability rise that would help to save hype arround Ethereum. That’s why it’s delayed at least till 2019. At summer 2017 there was a short period of time when profitability of 30Mh/s was arround 5 USD/day. If PoS was ready, it was a perfect time to activate it to move profits back to normal 1 USD/day preventing difficulty rise. Personally I think that after finish of it’s development there would be chosen time like that to activate it.
Bitmain expansion and IPO update:
“Bitmain Chooses Rockdale, Texas, for Newest Blockchain Data Center” …an investment of more than US $500 million by Bitmain over an initial period of seven years into the local, county, and statewide economies. The Milam County blockchain data center and cryptocurrency mining facility represents a key component of Bitmain’s strategic investment and expansion plans within North America. … The company anticipates that the new facility will bring in 400 local jobs to the local economy over the first two years.
Bloomberg had reported in June that Wu was “open” to holding an IPO in a market with U.S. dollar denominated shares — like Hong Kong — as it would allow early backers to cash in funds. … Bitmain plans to raise more funds for a total valuation of around $14 billion, a figure almost 17 percent higher than the $12 billion figure reported after a Series B June funding round. … Bitmain raised between $300 and $400 million from Sequoia Capital subsidiary Sequoia China, U.S. hedge fund Coatue, and Singapore-based governmental investment fund EDBI during its funding round in June. The firm had previously received $50 million in a Series A funding round from Sequoia Capital and IDG Capital in September 2017.
Most people giving up off mining (GPU and ASIC ) and they expand they mining facilities.
I would not have anything against ASIC if companies that produce them dont mine also …with they mining and they mine like crazy all others have no chance.
with mine(2x) coming only in September maybe I invested in the wrong place, lets see…
Proof of work’s security doesn’t come from hashes per second, it comes from power consumed to do the work. Power is the limiting factor in proof of work.Efficiency means nothing in mining for security or power saving, you scale to max out your power service. Then upgrade power service, rinse repeat.
The difficulty 2 months ago that was around 9M actually provided more security for Zcash network as one GPU used about 170W for around 500Sol’s compared to now difficulty 16M where network is mostly ASICS, z9 mini uses 300W for 17000 Sols.
Now you see you didn’t upgrade the network security, you gamed the metrics. Network security is far worse now than it was 2 months ago when it was ASICS free. Until network is so populated with ASICS that they use as much power as GPU’s used to use, security is lower than before. By that time, difficulty will rise and none of you will be earning anything with mining anymore. Also lets not forget new and stronger ASICS that come out every 3 months.
Game on
This morning showed single miner with 1.5 Tsols …lasted few hours then gone…i dont know was it a bug with site or some testing off new miners.
Problem is ASIC with many other problems is almost all new coins go to just few places …and then pumps and dumps are easy task and whole Crypto thank to ASIC became just that Pump Dump repeat
it was asus’ new mining farm testing the gtx 2080.