Let’s talk about ASIC mining

Can someone give some feedback how the ETH constantinople upgrade worked out for the miners, gpu and asics?


in terms of income, it barely changed for gpu’s.

asics i don’t have :slight_smile:

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So maybe today we start talking about harmony mining again?! Hmmm?!
Maybe my ideas all suck but we better come up with something
Progpow is being worked on as an alternative but not by the Co, idk where they are on this now

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That’s the poolin mining pool adress … near 40%.

Not sure if someone is coming up with somthing having in mind the ~1+ year preparation time for changes … :thinking:

Just came across by accident on this FPGA miner, not much more differences by now to a whole asic in my opinion:

Blackminer F1

HardFork by Monero to become more ASIC resistant ???

Hashrate 472.391 Mhash/s -46.97% in 24 hours
asic resistant , xmr team keep their promise ,they are not liar


What are you looking at? I posted a SS of their network Hashrate… The minimal drop is more than likely due to not updating to the newest version

Either two things happened, either there were no ASIC’s there or it failed

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Seems the graphs are lagging or not updating yet. IF the bitinfocharts reported hashrate of 412 MH/s right now is correct than i would say it’s an successfull anti-asic fork.

From bitinchocharts
412.788 Mhash/s -54.01% in 24 hours

yeah it looks like the one above (the one I posted) is delayed for some reason

here is a sight reporting 80% drop

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:thinking: interesting to see. I’m actually kinda of surprised that it’s 80%, I had read that there were hidden ASICs for Monero but didn’t realize it was such a high percentage of the network.

The next question will be: were they true ASICs or were they FPGA style? If FPGA style (programmable like Blackminers) it might not be long until they build a new bitstream and creep back onto the network.

yes, this may happen.
but it is called resistance.
something this project has lost.

why do devs keep on with asics?
it was obvious for team earlier that they are a disaster.
what have changed?
why noone doing nothing, while zcash value being destroyed?

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Im sorry but I do not fully believe ASICs are the only reasons for Zecs value being where it is today… There are some other factors playing into it.

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Zcashs Proof of Work: does it affect Market Value?

like what?
just take an educated guess.

i can see beautiful background, technical, powerful, successful…

this centralisation in few hands, leads to very many problems, but the main is that you do not have a clue about the intensions of miners, who make zcash right now.
they are in control.
and you are completely out of touch.

@nec you are talking to me and @Hannibal at the moment. Neither of us work for Electric Coin Company and we have no power over the POW. So don’t address the issue to us, we can’t do anything about it.

uhh, sorry, i was referring to you as a part of foundation.
guess you are only the moderator.

I understand your frustrations. Even the Zcash Foundation has no power to change the POW. Perhaps in the future when there is another implementation of the core zcashd software the Community could choose to use it over the current version. But for now ECC holds all the cards.

Josh mentioned this topic (Zcashd not ASICs) in his recent talk a the MIT Bitcoin expo; it’s worth watching: Josh Cincinnatis talk at MIT

not even the foundation in control?

who is?

is this person aware of the post-asic situation on the market?