Let's make this ZconVI epic!

Show your support for Zcash and pitch in to help create spectacular clips of ZconVI that will promote all the great work Zcashers are presenting during the 4-day virtual conference.

This year, there’s a twist!

The prize will be kept in a shielded Zcash address while these prize-raising games will run for 1 week until I share the viewing key during the first presentation of ZconVI. When the ZconVI livestreams commence, the veil lifts, the prize is revealed, and the race to clip and win begins!

Show your love for Zcash and support our content creators today!

Make It Rain!

You: Send 1 ZEC

Me: Add 0.05 ZEC

5 ZEC Bandit

You: Send 5 ZEC

Me: Add 0.5 ZEC

What Number am I Thinking?

The first transaction to the shielded address holding the prize has a value that is:
(>= 0.10 && <= 0.15) ZEC

Send a shielded transaction with a 2-digit whole number value that is 100x the value of my transaction and include your return address in the memo.

Guess the correct number? You get your money back!

AND THEN?! I will add 2 ZEC for every incorrect guess and 10 ZEC to the prize for every correct guess.

Read more about the ZconVI Clip Games: ZconVI: Celebrating Synergy Through Decentralization - #5 by ryan.taylor

And, let the games begin!

The shielded ZconVI Clip Games prize address is:



Follow along with the ZconVI Clip Games on Free2z!