Manufacturing Consent: NoamChom's Nu6 Block Reward Proposal

I’ve updated the original proposal wording based on feedback thus far:
1 - increased Qedit’s allocation to 2%
2 - specified details (RE: no actionable means are created in this proposal to manage treasuries of block subsidy receivers) about the use of ZEC rewards for speculation/ angel investing
3 - noted that obvious violations to requirements in this proposal could result in block subsidy removal via TBD NU

Point #3 is an emphasis from the original text in ZIP-1014:
It is expected that ECC, ZF, and Major Grant recipients will be focused primarily (in their attention and resources) on Zcash. Thus, they MUST promptly disclose:

  • Any major activity they perform (even if not supported by the Dev Fund) that is not in the interest of the general Zcash ecosystem.
  • Any conflict of interest with the general success of the Zcash ecosystem.

What else can be said? Sure 2018 was a long time ago, and we all understand that seeding crypto projects typically involves long lock up periods. This chart does not look like primarily focusing attention and resources on Zcash

Exactly… they have strong altcoin holdings today that have notably outperformed ZEC, because in large part this was possible at the expense of ZEC/ ZEC holders/ Zcash project sentiment/ Zcash adoption

I agree with these estimates, hence the update of Qedit from 1 to 2%

Emphasis to these