Miner- Claymore's Zcash Miner

Try to use the -r 1 option. This will effectively reboot your machine when the miner detects a failed GPU. For this to work correctly you need a reboot.bat file in same directory with the following line:

shutdown /r /t 5 /f

You also need to have windows call start.bat on startup.

I was having random lockups and crashes and this solved them for me. It is explained more in the Readme file.

If this doesn’t work I would suggest lowering the intensity with -i

I must lower to 1 ??
Also I need two bat file or one with extra -r parameter

You need two bat files, -r parameter goes on command line for miner in start.bat. Here is an example:


ZecMiner64.exe -zpool eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -zwal YourWalletAddress.YourWorkerName -zpsw x -r 1


shutdown /r /t 5 /f

My suggestion to lower -i is if above does not work. Valid value for -i is 0(min) to 4(max).

This info is all in Readme file in the miner directory.

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also you better keep all your settings in config.txt and start exe without any params - waay better
EDIT: I’m doing autologon with sysinternals app + task scheduler for various configs and miners. Folders for various coins, also tasks export/import is useful.


Thx… Working now with V6

Mining with v6 after 15 mixtures windows crashed and restart why that’s happen ??

Great performance. Working well with v6.

claymore father of father run 170sol/s rx 480 and off my cpu miners!!!

For me, Optiminer is still better because of power consumption. Claymore v6: +13% hashrate, but +20% Watt per card.

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thx. for this information, I will at the moment stay with optiminer. Getting 130-135 for each RX470. +20W = & more heat.

New version 0.33 runs stable. Anyways again good job cm…

With 4 gb models? If so what are your clocks?

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170 sol/s? How? 20 car

Can dev fee be changed to mine lets say less frequently like every 6 or 12 hours,as im having problems and miners crashes when changing pools to often im on flypool,any help on how to do it on config would really help as theres no option in read me how to set timer for devs fee,thx…

It’s hardcoded at the moment. The only thing you can change is turn off the devfee with -nofee 1 option, but then your hashrate goes down, so it’s not worth it…

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Well thx,but this option should be added at least every 3 hours devs fee
as when often switching pools u always loose a portion of H/s in global term,and could experrience crash aswell…

Which bios u use to get those results with rx 480 and which cards exactly?

Yes, I agree. Longer mining period is also better aligned with PPLNS scheme. You can suggest this to Claymore on bitcointalk:

One car rx 480 8 gb overclock 1275Mh last AMD driver catalist. 185sol/s.-225sol/s

custom ROM? what wattage from the wall? other settings?

Fury (Air) - 215 using 175 watts at the wall. A rig of 7 produces 1500 at about 1300 watts total. Custom Bios and Straps. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: