The problem here, just as with the “gentleman’s agreement” portion of my proposal, is that it is not enforceable. There is no means for Josh/ ECC’s mandate to certainly affect anything, despite its great ambition (an Eco DAO comprised of inputs from everyone in Zcash to be designed and built in a year; presumably without negatively impacting all of the other current roadmap deliverables for the project).
This is part of the reason why I believe that this 1-year extension concept risks setting a poor precedent. It asks for a 1-year Dev Fund as-is extension, wrapped in the ambitions of accomplishing something with words, but not backed by enforcement power.
Feels a bit contradictory, where simultaneously the old way is bad, but it isn’t so bad that we can’t nicely ask for at least one more year of it.
1 more year of ZEC block subsidies only amounts to about $2-4 million dollars of income per org (generously assuming a ZEC value of $30-50 during 2025). Asking for that additional money doesn’t exactly square up, when you consider that ECC (20+ million), ZCG (+6 million), and ZF (+9 million) all have balance sheets more than triple those amounts (and they’ve also got another 5 more months ZEC coming this year, pre-halving)