Nighthawk Wallet Design & Development Grant

Are there any new updates?


Yes! Milestone 3 of our 2023 grant is underway!


In addition to maintaining open source mobile wallets, Nighthawk Wallet team plans to contribute to upstream ECC apps & SDKs to help new developers using ECC code to benefit from the work that is funded via ZOMG. There are 50+ open issues on GitHub for iOS/Android wallets & SDKs which we plan to contribute to by working in collaboration with respective ECC developers.


Hello, @error77aa - welcome, newly registered anonymous forum member :slightly_smiling_face:

You copied and pasted a task from my team’s 2021 proposal. I’m curious about your intention behind doing so. If you’re interested in knowing the status of the action item, let me provide you with some relevant information.

To address various issues with the Zcash Mobile SDK and client apps, my team collaborated closely with the mobile leads of SDK, namely @pacu and @gmale over the past two years and Carter since last year. Bugfixes and issues were both logged and actively fixed on Nighthawk Wallet repositories and upstream, resulting in a collaborative culture and sharing real usage feedback from Nighthawk users. I actively cohosted the bi-weekly Light Client Working Group (LCWG), where several new developers joined to learn and overcome obstacles building with ZEC.

However, I must mention that the current status of the LCWG call is uncertain. ECC (Electric Coin Company) recently let go of their mobile lead developers who were actively involved in the Mobile SDK development(there are still 2 developers working on the SDKs, but we/LCWG haven’t interacted with them on calls). We have had a couple of calls following the event and communicated with the core devs working on the underlying libraries, but the progress has been slow coming out of the emergency mode.

Consequently, I believe it would be beneficial to transition the ownership of the LCWG call to a community-owned invite setup (ping @pacu). Additionally, considering the importance of a note-taker during these meetings, we might want to explore hiring a dedicated notetaker. Also, it’s worth noting that I have been diligently taking notes for the LCWG call thus far.

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