Radical “to the moon” thread

Tough little critters, but not exactly cute & fluffy.

Guess we share the same survival skills, zechodlers can also survive extreme cold, dehydration, starvation & vacuum - or at least that’s what 2018 felt like!!

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All kinds of really expensive Zcash images and videos

Kind of a different metric but #1 in privacy, #3 overall
The reason Bitcoin isn’t number one is because it doesnt have an official twitter account which apparently affects itl

Filecoin on #8 ?? A coin that is #1782 on coinmarketcap???

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quietly accumulating large amounts of zcash via USD on US exchanges is just about impossible. haven’t accumulated large amounts of ZEC since early 2017, but noticed it’s just as shitty to do in 2019. you’re basically forced to buy OTC (unless you’re real slick).

this is due to the fact ZEC/USD pairs on US exchanges are so illiquid.

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someone is smoking moon rocks:



believe the majority of this ZEC will never move! natural deflation!

Im ready for the moon, so guys when do we start?

This is a pretty sophisticated phishing scam, caution
“Rather than cloning a legitimate login prompt that aims to trick targets into entering their password on a dubious-looking site, OAuth Phishing abuses a legitimate feature of many online service providers, including Google, that allows third-party applications to gain direct access to an account.”

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“Zexe: Enabling Decentralized Private Computation”


i really wish ECC/foundation made more noise about cool research/development they’re undertaking. this is an interesting paper! it’s worth blogging about, imo. even if zexe never comes to fruition; gives people something to talk about/debate.

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It is really neat, proof of verification of mewningful work was one of those earlier alternative PoW ideas I brought up (there was a paper somewhere round here, I think someone broke that particular program but obviously the idea is sound)

Philadelphia is the birthplace of the United States