Restructure the treasury: convert crypto assets (like BTC) back to ZEC

You said:

(emphasis mine)

Dodger said two years ago, when ZEC was 70 USD:

Those are not the same thing. Per the reports, ZF is not currently swapping ZEC for BTC (ETH neither)

I’m a developer, it’s not my job to manage ZF finances. But again, you’re being misleading, the foundation is not “looking to” do this but may do in the future and of course currently it doesn’t make any sense to do that.

Again, I still don’t understand this obsession. It’s impossible to predict the future. Hedging makes sense to allow ZF to operate in case the ZEC price went down. This does not mean that ZF is predicting that the price will drop.


this topic was reactivated again in december of 2023, and there @Dodger said “Noamchom’s questions have been answered previously, and I have nothing more to add” - he could have simply made a statement, but he did not.

maybe you don’t understand this “obsession” as you call it, because you are working at the foundation?


you are trying to turn my words upside down, but this doesn’t change anything. just the thought that the foundation is looking to swap ZEC for ETH on top of BTC is shocking.

maybe some of you guys working there don’t understand that feeling, because you never bought and held ZEC. but i would recommend all of you to think about who is financing your jobs!


You don’t know that, so please don’t go around saying things you have no idea about.

You think I don’t care about ZEC? If ZEC tanks I’ll be out of a job.

If I weren’t working at ZF I would still would not care if ZF has BTC or not.

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Why this ZF is not doing marketing… who is incharge for that… do you know how is dead Zcash on X and youtube… we still not received good answer… you don’t have influensers on x and Youtube, people follow famous people not some videos from 200 views 3 years ago when
I open youtube… 0 trending… only negative comments on all platform, Reddit, X how we will bring new people where is 0 positive comment… Still can’t get that… if you all think this if you make marketing there is not results, you need only some employee with good positive energy and some marketing and you speak not about price is down like nobody is interesting for that… I have with me 5 more investors with big money, we need some answers too…

if you quote me, please don’t do it like that. and yes, you are right, i don’t know and it’s also non of my business what you and others are holding personally.

your word doesn’t have a lot of strength on this topic. you are paid by the foundation, the same org that is selling ZEC for BTC and may be selling ZEC for ETH in the future.


the community made a strong signal, nobody wants that the orgs are selling ZEC for other assets than USD.

ECC listened and made a statement that it will sell all the other assets first ahead of selling more ZEC, but what did the foundation do? stop selling at new all time lows in BTC for the last months?

if this doesn’t change, jobs like yours @conradoplg are at risk too, because the foundation will be having a hard time to get funded. i myself will vote with all that i have against more funding for the foundation until that is changing! and i would recommend every other ZEC holder and investor to do the same.

They don’t market ZEC because they’re not allowed. It would risk the loss of their 501 status.

The topic of advertising has been covered many times. ECC and ZF don’t engage in ZEC advertising. Can they “advertise” Zcash network features or other things like product roadmaps? Yes, and they already do plenty of that generally speaking.

Check this video from the ECC that is practically speaking unseen in the past 11 months. (merely 625 views :frowning: )

Marketing (for ZEC) is left up to voluntary community members, or people working on grants via ZCG.

Here is a historic example of an influencer taking some ZCG funds to create Zcash/ ZEC content. There are dozens of dozens of contents like this if you look back into ZCG grant history. The fact of the matter seems to me that the royal We don’t seem to have the right initiatives to change the unfavorable supply side of ZEC vs. USD / BTC / ETH / all. Driving the demand side is possible but challenging; either way, we’re still up against off-balanced supply side selling :frowning:

In November, the halving is going to be the first major supply side change in 4 years - lets keep counting down the days.


Danke… now understand

The real question is how valuable are you for the Zcash ecosystem. We couldn’t care less of anything else.

don’t care if ZF or ECC put ton of gold on balance sheet
let those cryptographers and engineers make money by any means possible and make sure post quantum zkp open source advancement is done fast

zcash will only get popular when its on Maya DEX Serai DEX Haveno P2P

when zcash get full mandatory orchard 2 orchard shielded transaction at base layer only that time zcash will get popular as a medium of exchange

Let’s see… almost all of us would love to get this implemented.

ZF selling ZEC for BTC (or ETH) should be frowned upon hard.

this speaks for itself…