Revised Nym for ZCash Network-level Privacy

These are great questions, and would make sense for any startup or open source project trying to get users to use its wallet. Note that the original proposal included more explicit user-testing with sub-grants for wallets. At the same time, due to budget constraints from ZCG, the wallet developers have been removed, and so what the output of the revised grant is a generic integration that is usable.

So with this in mind, the “target market” is ZCash users. ALL ZCash users who use shielded transactions should use Nym, as pointed out in the original academic paper. No reason not to be ambitious. That requires all ZCash wallets to integrate against Nym, and we are already in touch with all major wallets except the YCash wallet.

As for “How many users do you think you can gain traction with”: We do not know how many users of ZCash there are (hundreds? thousands? millions?), but will ask the wallets that integrate, such as Zingo!, to see: “Assuming there is wallet integration, then we will ask the wallets to provide the percentage of transactions from the Nym-enabled wallet using the Nym network.” Due to the anonymity properties of (shielded) ZCash and Nym, getting the exact user numbers may be impossible, but we should be able to get the number of transactions, which is a proxy for users.

“How do you plan to gain new users” - again, this is dependent on the wallet’s plans to increase ZCash users. But what can Nym do to get new ZCash users that use Nym? We will of course advertise widely in our community in any wallet that supports Nym (about 170k on Twitter, 20k or so in Telegram), which should on board I’d hope 2k-17k more ZCash users at least. The advertising to our community is free, and the cost for gaining a new user from the Nym community iz zero. The costs are dev costs, which is why we did not include marketing costs in the proposal.

The best question is: If in one year we talked about Nym successes, what does that look like for you?

The goal, as stated above, is “we would consider this project a full success if the wallet as well as full node developers agree to turn the Nym integration on by default and hence we see >30% of the Zcash shielded wallet transactions on the wallet benefitting from Nym-grade network privacy if offered as an optional feature. If it was a default feature then we would prefer to see >80% shielded wallet transactions from the wallet using Nym mixnet. This would require major ZCash wallets using the Nym network.”