Revised Nym for ZCash Network-level Privacy

Yes, information about the token is geo-blocked in the USA (where ALL tokens except Bitcoin have questionable legal status) and all OFAC-sanctioned countries.

That being said, this does not mean US people cannot use the Nym mixnet. Far from it - using​ the mixnet is legal in the USA, just like using Tor or a VPN is legal in the USA. Currently the mixnet is free to use, and when payments are turned on they will support payment in different currencies, not just NYM token. These payments are converted to NYM on the backend, which are then used to reward mix nodes for mixing traffic. So this will not stop ZCash users in the US from using the Nym mixnet with their wallets. If you want to run a mix node (or even trade NYM tokens), you should not do it from the USA.