RFP - Zcash Lightwalletd Infrastructure Development and Maintenance

Thank you all for the transparency with how you are operating this infrastructure, the tooling you’re creating, the challenges that the ecosystem can collaborate with you on, and for asking the vendors that you are working with to accept ZEC!


latest ywallet includes it!



Hi all - here are the configurations currently used for the zec.rocks edge containers on Fly and the regional Kubernetes cluster Helm charts.

I will keep the repository updated as changes are made.

Next up will be an updated README with instructions on how to deploy these in your own Fly account.


Milestone 2 is delivered: 3 months of uptime for the zec.rocks Lightwalletd infrastructure.


  • Four global regions are now running on dedicated hardware using k3s, diversifying our backend and giving us more control over the physical hardware layer. Our hosts are HiVelocity for the dedicated hardware and Vultr Kubernetes Engine for overflow. Each region has 2 dedicated servers.
  • We open sourced our HAProxy and Fly configurations to bring transparency to our load balancing approach and to help other teams host resilient Zcash infrastructure.


  • We currently have excess compute and are happy to provide CI runners or host additional services for the community within reason. Our main constraint is engineering time.

Works in progress:

  • Deploying a block explorer
  • Building a web application to monitor the uptime of Lightwalletd nodes across the ecosystem
  • Improving the documentation for our open infrastructure-as-code based on user feedback (if you’re interested in deploying a lightwalletd server using our Helm charts, we’d love to collaborate!)

A heartfelt thank you to all who have supported this work. We will continue to post updates here.


Just a quick reminder that running a seeder would be an excellent use of some of those excess compute resources!


Hello, Emerson!

ap.zec.rocks is down.

Thank you for reporting this. The issue should be resolved.


Did I hear correctly that there are Dockerfiles somewhere for these nodes?

Edit: I guess it’s Kubernetes.

There is a Zebra-LWD docker config that will spin up a local instance.

Quick updates from the Zec.rocks team:

  • We delivered Milestone 3 of the grant, continuing to provide global lightwalletd infrastructure for the Zcash network.
  • A new endpoint “zcashd.zec.rocks” was launched to assist with troubleshooting differences between Zebra and Zcashd.
  • “testnet.zec.rocks” is maintained as well.
  • We continue to maintain the Helm charts used to deploy our infrastructure on Kubernetes
  • We are working on hosting a block explorer and will announce it here when it is ready.
  • A project is in process to track the uptime of lightwalletd nodes, and eventually Zcash nodes. It is a web application that will be open sourced, stay tuned here for further updates on this as well.

Thank you, Zcash users and community! We are honored to be contributors here.


Zec.rocks infrastructure is now running Zebra v2.0.1 globally, with a few backup Zcashd v6.0.0 nodes running as well.

The zcash-stack helm charts are updated, and are now published on ArtifactHub.

Current maintained lightwalletd endpoints:

  • zec.rocks:443
  • na.zec.rocks:443
  • sa.zec.rocks:443
  • eu.zec.rocks:443
  • ap.zec.rocks:443
  • testnet.zec.rocks:443
  • zcashd.zec.rocks:443

Our block explorers are live: (shoutout to @dismad for the help!)

We forked zcash-explorer to fix its CI build and make a few small tweaks. We will try to continue maintaining it time-permitting.

The zcash-stack Helm charts are updated to support launching zcash-explorer, and a snapshot of zcashd’s data directory indexed for block explorers is available for quick bootstrapping.

We also launched a new lightwalletd region in Dubai, on dedicated hardware running k3s:


We plan to host a hands-on workshop on how to run your own lightwalletd nodes in December, stay tuned for more information on the timing and curriculum.


We delivered Milestone 4 of the grant, continuing to provide global light wallet infrastructure for the Zcash network.

Our vision is to further decentralize the Zcash network by financially incentivizing people to run more light wallet nodes. We also want to make it as easy as possible for non-technical people to host their own nodes.

This Monday, we begin our first workshop on how to host Zcash light wallet infrastructure. Everyone should sign up! We’re bumping the class size up to allow everyone to participate.

We will reward the top 20 server operators which have the best uptime with a $90/month reimbursement in ZEC for their time and hosting costs for six months. We’d love to extend this reward further and intend to publish a public donation address that any individual or granting body is welcomed to contribute to, even retroactively if desired.

To track the uptime of our growing network and to fairly reward new participants, we are developing Hosh. We maintain a Hosh instance at hosh.zec.rocks which we will continue to maintain throughout the six month class.

Our goal is for there to be so many nodes out there that we no longer will need to run our own infrastructure. Instead of hosting it, we will aggregate it and allow wallet developers to pull a list of nodes from Hosh’s API. I believe that we’re around six months out from that goal.

Thank you to ZCG for bootstrapping our efforts with the grant that we applied for in this thread. We intend to experiment with crowdfunding for our next proposal before asking for any ZEC from our community’s grantors.

Zcash rocks!


seems https://explorer.zec.rocks/ has not updated block info for 3 days now


Good catch, sorry about that! The explorer is fixed. We are adding monitoring of explorers in our ecosystem to Hosh so that we can catch things like this faster.

The issue was an out of date zcashd running in our infrastructure, the Helm charts have been updated.


Zebra v2.2.0 is now deployed across our infrastructure.