RFP - Zcash Podcast

Hi @ZcashGrants, we received the first part of a grant to do such a podcast last year, called “Shielded Dialogues”: Shielded dialogues: media and advocacy for private transactions.

We’ve recorded three podcasts so far, one with Andrew Miller, one with Zooko, one with WhyRUSleeping. Each comes with a bounty for a challenge to make privacy relevant to the listener, posed by our interviewee.

We haven’t published any of those yet because we’re still deciding on a PR strategy to hit the minimum number of views in the proposal milestone.

We spoke to Natasha and David from ZCash Media, who were super helpful on this end (thanks again!) but any additional ideas and support on the PR side, or community sharing side would be super appreciated.

We feel pretty good about the content of the interviews and have a few other guests already in mind to interview; Zcash-relevant outreach is our bottleneck.

Happy to submit the podcasts we have ready privately to discuss strategy and would be grateful for any pointers, through this forum or a brief call.
