We would like to clarify the reference wallet is not for end users, and that we have not committed to deploying a wallet for users to use Zcash as a currency.
As written in https://z.cash/blog/introducing-the-zcash-reference-wallet/ :
The objective of this project is to prove that shielded transactions can work on mobile devices and to build reusable solutions for functionality required to support shielded addresses.
We are already in contact with some light wallets that support Zcash, and they are very eager for the reference wallet. We hope that this helps their engineering teams adopt sapling zaddresses.
We’re currently debating if we should also make an accompanying Zcash wallet for end users–and the decision is not set to be made until next year. We’ll keep you posted and announce if we decide to make a product!
I hear you on wanting to spend Zcash for everyday items. We realize that point of sales support/merchant support is a weak link in the purchase process.