Zcash Community Grants Meeting Minutes 5/2/22

Hello to everyone. Are the applications still going? I have a Turkish publication called zkApe, where I explain zero knowledge technologies. Zcash contents and updates have been published in the newsletter many times. and i think it’s still not understood how big of a work it is. I want to include more comprehensive zcash with grant.

here is zkApe links:

Twitter: zkApe
Substack: zkApe


Are you asking about the Zcash Community Grants application? Yes, you can apply for grants at zcashgrants.org

If you’re asking specifically about the Global Ambassador program, refer to this:


Thanks for the tips!

I made my application. here are the details!


Speaking as a ZIP editor:

Yes, my understanding is that the direct grant option would require a (straightforward) ZIP amendment and ZCAP ratification. Any consensus rule change, as this would be, also has to be agreed between ZF and ECC at the appropriate point in the upgrade cycle in order to be included.

It is not the case that the wording in ZIP 1014 precludes using the direct grant option just because ZF and ECC didn’t agree on it before Canopy activation. But that, and the fact that it affects the dev fund, is why it requires a ZCAP ratification. (If we were talking about a technical change to support a feature, say, it would still require ECC+ZF agreement but typically wouldn’t require a ratification.)