Zcash DeFi: JGx7's NU6 Block Reward Proposal

maybe it’s not the mission; but it is listed as 1 of 3 main areas…maybe they should update their website? zcashD also sounds like it’s a critical blocker to
moving forward. so it is fairly important as well.

I like YWallet. but i measure success based on downloads. maybe it has 5-7k unique downloads. i can’t see how any of the wallets can be considered successful based on an objective metric like downloads, transactions, sync times, or any other metric other than they happen to send and receive (in most cases). success for a wallet where we say we want billions of users would need hundreds of millions of downloads. now i’m not delusional, to me would settle on 1 million and call it a success. or even show downloads going up at a decent % every month. In my opinion ZCG has diverted funding from the core blockchain to non critical non zcash blockchain funding. I think that is just a historical fact. the blockchain roadmap has suffered as a result.

i’m not proposing anything new. others have made the identical proposals i am making many years ago. a strategic decision was made to not pursue blockchain improvements and i believe that was the wrong decision. We still have time to pursue what i and others before me believe is the right path forward. → DeFi, stablecoins. zsa, programmability and more

a very important point is this doesn’t change zec, it makes the ecosystem stronger and therefore makes zec stronger

i put ZCG under ECC because ECC states its main area of focus is wallets. I believe the foundation allocation needs to go to core
blockchain work. it doesn’t make sense to me for ZCG to divert funds from core blockchain which is the foundation focus to wallets when we are so far behind when it comes to the core blockchain development. especially with regard to pursuing a zcash DeFi plan.

just as important, we need money for the zcash community. ECC has 20m in excess funds to help out.
the time to step up and use it is now. if not now, when? the community is hurting and what’s the point of sitting on 20m if it’s not going to be used in a time of need. if ecc won’t fund qedit, they certainly should fund all wallets and media they deem necessary since wallets are their area of focus.

who said it’s an end? it’s a way to create an ecosystem and a platform. as i think you know, software never really reaches an end. but we do need DeFi to empower developers to help build out an ecosystem to transition legacy systems to the blockchain. my opinion is it will happen from the inside out. the idea of creating an island and hoping people will come is a very high risk strategy.

maybe you are confused because you are thinking of f another proposal “manufacturing consent”. my proposal is "Zcash DeFi. I did not set forth a fee structure as it’s not part of the allocation of rewards. i merely am bring it up as something to be defined later as a longer term replacement and short term addition to block rewards.