Zcash Developer Relations Engineer

Hello! I will be sharing a more detailed post with the grant’s progress later. First I wanted to announce one small thing

I’ve been thinking about giving all this work I’ve been doing this last year a bit more of formal structure. I was slept on it, meditated, thought about it, and this meme ended shaping up all my ideas. :laughing:

I’m an admirer of @earthrise’s work. As a community member, I honestly believe Taylor has been the greatest ZCG grantee of all times. His work combined dedication, humbleness, methodology, commitment, openness, transparency and professionalism. “ZecSec” is not only a legacy other teams like Least Authority are building on, but also a beacon we all should be inspired by.

Say Hello to ZecDev (yes, it needs a logo)

ZecDev is inspired on ZecSec. I always felt that the project I have the privilege to work on needed a better place than my own github profile. I may have developed those tools, but I did so because of, thanks to and for the Zcash community. These tools and resources belong to our beloved ecosystem and I feel that them being under github/pacu does not give Zcashers enough credit.

Github Organizations allow broader contributions. This will let these tools to have a better place to grow. This is like moving small plants to a bigger flowerpot so they can flourish and grow bigger and stronger!

You are all welcome to contribute to the projects hosted under ZecDev! let’s keep building the Zcash we want to see in the world