Zcash Poll: The Future of Consensus

If we do a direct transition to POS, would it also be possible to change the issuance timeline of Zcash? Would it be possible to do a like a “double halvening” event?

This would create a much needed upward price pressure! I’m not a price first guy… but I have to agree with those who say, that we won’t get any new users if price only dumps.


double halving to manipulate the price hmm
sounds legit
Dash did reduce the issuance, and it didn’t help them
market is correlated and manipulated


POS will only make the chips more and more concentrated. In fact, zcash’s chips are already very concentrated now.

in the future Zcash will be 50KB Blockchain, it will be possible to stake even in the browser…
(Mina proved that its possible with ZK)
huge amount of people will do it just for few bucks a month,
because its much easier to do than mining.

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POS will make the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Why don’t we vote with Hashrate instead of asking 100 dudes that might not have anything to do with Zcash?

We invested years of work, time, logistics and money in this.

POS is not the answer. It destroys the concept of decentralization.
And it is presented as a solution by the same idiots that didn’t even knew how many nodes were online 1 year ago.

LOL! Don’t be pointing fingers at the C-level Zcash leadership like this. You wouldn’t expect the owner of a Car Dealership to know how to reassemble an engine piston assembly, would you? [sarcasm]

Zcash Proof of Work ASIC owners have crippled the project’s ability to decentralize and its ability to protect/ grow value. We thank you for your service, but the truth here is that Zcash needs to grow outside of the altcoin PoW ASIC controlled security/ consensus model. It has been an albatross around our necks for too many years.

The evidence is in the network metrics. Node Counts are terribly low, Hashrate is centralized around just a few mining pools, accessibility to mine ZEC as an individual is nearly impossible. Zcash isn’t really gaining anything from remaining an ASIC PoW dominated network.