ZconVI: Celebrating Synergy Through Decentralization

Zcash coinholder vote registration for ZconVI Clip Contest is NOW!

edit: details and link for Coin Voting 2.0 restream are :arrow_heading_down:

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Join Zcashers on X today at 19:00 UTC …

Zcash Community Grants

AMA with ZCG: @aquietinvestor, @artkor & @Zerodartz
Moderator: @Alex_ZF

Social ZconVI restreams every day this week @ZkAv_Club

:play_or_pause_button: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1mnxegDBLqrGX

report: 85 views while live (source has 117 at time of restream)

ps. The chat’s open on these social restreams :wink:

update: 22 hours since the restream, the video on X has 189 views (source still has 117)


Today on Social ZconVI Restreams at 19:00 UTC

Zcash Foundation Engineering Update

Featuring: FROST demo with @ZcashFoundation

Social ZconVI restreams every day this week on X

:zap: :shield: Presented by @ZkAv_Club


report: 36 views while live (source has 162 at time of restream)

i think chat on x does not work at all.


Still energized from ZconVI? This is a perfect time to get more involved AND give you your anonymous feedback on ZconVI!

How to Get Involved:

Other Resources Shared by Presenters:



Today on Social ZconVI Restreams at 19:00 UTC

Zcash development multitool

zcash-devtool with Kris Nuttycombe - @nuttycom

Social ZconVI restreams every day this week on X

Presented by @ZkAv_Club :zap: :shield:

:play_or_pause_button: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BdxYqmgBggxX

report: 178 views while live (source has 74 at time of restream)


Today on Social ZconVI Restreams at 19:00 UTC

The Case for Vertically Integrated Stack

with Zaki Manian

Social ZconVI restreams every day this week on X (scroll up for links and reports)

Presented by @ZkAv_Club :zap: :shield:

:play_or_pause_button: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1eaKbWDVDDVGX

report: 211 views while live (source has 118 at time of restream)