I think the work of ZecHub in 2023 was amazing and awesome.
I hope it continues in 2024.
I have a few questions
For the bounty pool, how are the ZEC left over after rewarding the participants managed?
Won’t there be any ZEC left in the bounty pool in 2023?
The rewards for ZecHub contributors seem a bit high, and now the ZCG committee rewards seem to be reduced. It would be nice if everyone could make some concessions.
ZecHub is invaluable. I hope it runs for a long time.
ZEC remaining in Bounty Pool after 2023 is hoped to rollover into the project next year.
Yes, there will be approximately 50 ZEC left, as estimated in our Treasury Report.
We are conscious of the current climate hence why our project proposal was set to 5 months. There was also heavy consideration of a smaller team & working less hours but these options were, in our opinion sub optimal for the project.
@squirrel at the most recent meeting, the @ZcashGrants Committee voted to approve this proposal and has requested that you provide monthly updates via the forum in this thread.
We have a lot of work ahead, I appreciate everyone’s support. Education works better when everyone contributes, so please reach out if you have ideas, or want to contribute.
@dismad created an improved process for us to track contributions.
@Tecnopapapi is creating new content for our Instagram. He is also taking over editorial control of the substack.
Bounty Program restarted with new influx of Zcash server members.
We are on track to complete zechub.wiki Phase 2 presently, work has already started on Phase 3!
The site repository is now accessible to anyone who wants to add new features or improve it
We were invited to create 2 videos about Zcash for Privacy Guardians.
We post updates every week to the main discord channel. Sync meetings are bi weekly, Tuesday’s @21:00 UTC. Everyone is welcome to join. Chat about Zcash, recent forum posts, Q&A of development updates and anything else!
Despite Global Ambassador program being on pause, we commend @tim_ukrainian, @yoditar, @artkor and @Olek for their continued involvement & translated newsletters!
@Hardaeborla created a new sticker pack for the Official Zcash Telegram.
Papelesacolor has created a themed design pack of over 40 icons we have available for everyone to reuse.
Manuel Rios is working on adding a search function to the wiki site
Speedfox is currently adding a notification banner to the wiki site (It will feature new community forum posts!)
@vito helped creating a template for Arborist Call summaries via our Substack.
@tokidoki has offered to contribute to the wiki site in spare time.
Dolores, Nazareth and Hardaeborla created & shared ZecHub content without even taking on tasks! Huge appreciation to them.
Planned Next Steps
Dismad will attend the Zeboot ECC x Zcash Community Event.
Twitter Spaces is being scheduled with Brave Community!
Podcast episodes are booked for February, dates TBA.
We had an introductory call with (Stackwork) Sphinx Chat - ZecHub will experiment with their Bitcoin-centric platform to offer shielded ZEC bounties.
ZecHub Wiki now has Dashboard for network stats, we plan to add historical data so everyone can view shielded pool growth without signing up to a metrics site.
We held a Poker Tournament with some friends from the Brave Browser discord joining the Zcash server.
We have been working closely with My First Zcash to provide bounties for artwork & updating the workbook content.
Sync meetings are held biweekly, there has been great participation from people in the server. Very enjoyable, thank you!
Community Contributions
We’ve had significantly more participation from contributors working on documentation, website development & creating artwork! Active contributors this month have been speedfox for the site notifications, stackedQ & Kroy! for the new website appearance.
Thanks to Franklystein, the site now has a donation page using payment request URI format. Speedfox made a tutorial showing how to add a zcash donation widget to any website!
Global Ambassadors have been consistent as always! Translated ZecWeeklys being sent out via their channels.
The DAO has a new DAO page thanks to new contributor, Sambit.
Planned Next Steps
Twitter Spaces with Brave community, please join! March 1st 13:00 EST/18:00 UTC
note: percents for this month are measured from DEC
Biggest increase was on the Twitter impressions
All categories saw double digit increase except on the GitHub side. More activity was measured on our ZecHub Wiki github, so we will add this to our metrics.
ZecHub will contribute at ZconV, presentation work started
Misc Education
Zcash 101 update
Zcash Community Forum post communicating ZebraPi as well as all node videos in one place
Zealy event
We held a Zealy sprint, a community favorite! Should be noted we used @james_katz 's Dizzy for reward distribution.
Top 20 Participants Rewards:trophy:
1st Place - 1 ZEC
2nd Place - 0.5 ZEC
3rd Place - 0.4 ZEC
4th - 10th Place - 0.25 ZEC
11th - 20th Place - 0.1 ZEC
Mastery quests earned bonus ZEC
Franklin OG
Community 6 quests
Follow us on Twitter
Join Discord
Subscribe to ZecWeekly Newsletter
Follow Zcash A/V Club⚡
$ZEC on Watchlist
Channel ZecHub
Zcash Basics 6 quests
Download a Zcash Wallet
Visit ZecFaucet
Send us a Shielded Memo!
Share your Zcash Address!
Watch Video on Zcash
Make a Post on ZecPages
Quiz 1 (5 quests)
Questions 1-3
Zcash is a Fork of which Coin?
What is Zebra?
What programming language was used to build Zebra?
Question 4
What technology does Zcash use to provide Privacy Preserving Onchain Transactions?
Question 5
How many Zcash Full Node implementations are available?
Question 6
If you make a T-Z transaction it is called:
Question 7
Blockchains with Transparent Ledgers reveal Personal Data of Users
Contribute 5 quests
Join ZecHub Dework
Apply for Newsletter Task on Dework
Fork ZecHub Wiki Github Repository+1
Create Logo Design for our Merch Store!
Quiz 2 (5 quests)
Questions 1-3
What type of Blockchain is Zcash?
In seconds, what is the Average Block time of a Zcash Transaction?
How many Shielded Pools exist* on Zcash?
Question 4
Which Web Browser is integrating Zcash protocol to enable Private Payments & Messaging?
Question 5
What is the name of the Ywallet Feature that allows you to send a payment to multiple recipients in the same transaction?
Question 6
What is the Max Supply of Zcash (ZEC)?
Question 7
Name mining algorithm used by Zcash Proof of Work Miners
Zcash Advanced 4 quests
Change Lightwalletd Server
Make a post via Free2Z converse
Join the Secret Memo Group!
Create Payment Request URI
Feedback 1 quest
Zcash Mastery 3 quests
Zebra + Lightwalletd
Introduction to Zero-Knowledge Proofs Course
Buy any Stargaze NFT using Shielded Zcash
Next Steps
Been a busy and productive month, we hope to continue the momentum and help educate the community on eveything Zcash. Moving forward we will
On behalf of ZecHub I want to thank all contributors and those have supported us behind the scenes. Please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or want to help in anyway.
zechub looks more like a fan site with “Made by Manuel Rios” in the footer instead of something like “ZecHub DAO is a community-led group that governs ZecHub’s strategy and direction.”
Does the DAO have the private key for the “donate now” address?
The other footer links for About, Privacy Policy, Licensing, Contact all resolve to this
The DAO controls spend authority of the DAO Treasury. Our Bounties are distributed in Shielded ZEC. There is no way to use shielded multisig… yet.
The Donation Address & ZEC Treasury viewkey are both available to all DAO members upon request. We also hold Treasury Reports every few months. Next one is Tuesday April 2nd.
A subset of DAO members controls our .eth domain name. The .icns domain is controlled by me. How would we distribute control of the .xyz / .org domains?
Yes! robots.txt, another great suggestion.
Open invitation for anyone to view and/or make pull requests to improve our wiki site:GitHub - ZecHub/zechub-wiki
The stats haven’t been released yet but we do focus on adding features and making the wiki more user friendly.