Zecwallet Code, Maintenance and Infra

Hi @adityapk00

The @ZcashGrants discussed this proposal today and opted to approve a prorated version of this grant for 2 months pending a discussion around how the ZOMG will fund continued maintenance of projects like Zecwallet and other ecosystem projects. You should receive an email from ZF regarding this portion of the grant.

We want to ensure that projects like Zecwallet are adequately funded into the future, while ensuring that work isn’t duplicated or unnecessarily repeated across the space. For example, you mention that " zcashd is officially only supported on Linux, so Zecwallet needs to build and test its own binaries for Windows and MacOS" - this is obviously work that doesn’t only apply to Zecwallet, and as such the ZOMG would like to understand what it would take to make these builds official so that all ecosystem projects can benefit from this work.

For infrastructure costs, it would be helpful if you could provide receipts/invoices and server utilization data, so we can understand the exact breakdown of costs. For an application that is effectively bandwidth constrained, $1500/month seems particularly high (given that the average cost for a terabyte of bandwidth overage on many providers is in the range of $10). Have you investigated other cloud providers or dedicated hosting?

As far as features go, we understand that the quoted rate essentially captures the cost of “staying in the same place” i.e. the Red Queen’s race - no new major features or work is captured here - is that correct? Do you foresee any way to reduce these costs through automation or other efficiencies?

We would also like to ask about future plans for new features and other initiatives e.g. localization, accessibility support etc. and how those might impact ongoing maintenance costs.

Thank you for your proposal, and we look forward to hearing from you and working with you to ensure the continued success of zecwallet.