Zero-knowledge Audiovisual Club

The final review of Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2024 #HCPP24

:heart_on_fire: :rocket: @gordonesTV and @AuraBritoSM share their wonderful story of a heartfelt homecoming!

To experience these two friends meet their tribe and be welcomed with open arms and ears is inspiring and motivating for anyone with an eye on the current fight for digital privacy and freedom.

It may be even good enough to revitalize some of us jaded old cypherpunks who have all but lost hope.

Much gratitude and love to the Zcast duo for their great coverage and extraordinary passion :heart:

Shields up :shield: Dazzle on :zap:

ps. Big thanks to @ElectricCoinCo and @ZcashFoundation for hooking them up with funds to make their trip possible :heart_hands: