Thank you to everyone who joined us there.
I could not have done any of this without you!
Thank you to everyone who helped remotely. You are doing the heavy lifting that brings Zcon to the next level and your support is very much appreciated!
The weekly hangout will be returning at our regular time today at 17h UTC and the weekly workshop will happen tomorrow at the same time where we will take a hands-on look at updating the ZFAV wiki and calendar which is hosted by ZecHub.
My personal focus this month is on background organization for ZFAV Club. Things like the wiki, Discord, social/publishing profiles, automation, etc. A lot of these got neglected during Zcon4 preparations.
If you are interested in playing along, learning and practicing new audiovisual skills, please join us during the weekly hangout or workshop. It will be a pleasure to meet you there.
There’s so much happening with ZFAV Club and I want to make sure everyone who is interested has the latest updates on my priorities.
Today, I begin the process of writing documentation and content for the wiki and upcoming ZFAV website. Check the new wiki-content channel in the ZFAV Discord server for drafted content and brainstorming.
At the workshop this Wednesday, we’ll brainstorm ways to improve the ZFAV Discord in a discussion led by @vito.
Finally, we’re organizing a team to attend dWeb Camp Brazil in September and volunteering AV support, including live local (offline) translations. The Zcash Brazil team is also hoping to give presentations and/or lead workshops at the event. This is in collaboration with the global dWeb community and Internet Archive. We will not be livestreaming any of this content but it will be published after the event.
Zcash Community Grantees Call with Zcash Foundation AudioVisual Club
Join us for an exciting discussion as we gather key contributors from the Zcash ecosystem to explore the power of collaboration and community building. In this special call hosted on Free2z, we bring together Zcash community grantees to discuss the future of Zcash and how we can work together to drive positive change.
Join the conversation and be part of this exciting journey toward a more collaborative and empowered Zcash ecosystem. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking discussion!
dWeb Camp in Brazil officially starts today with a day of unconference
There are currently 6 Zcashers here in Ubatuba and 2 more on the way!
The coming days will be full of discussions, workshops and presentations. ZFAV is here to support with recording and possibly livestreaming as much as possible (and to have fun!)
Additionally, @Autotunafish has been working hard over the last month exploring live translation that works without the big bad Internet, streaming to web browsers and accessible on mobile devices! We will be demoing and troubleshooting this process during camp and documenting it for future community use at other live events (like Zcon5)
Stay tuned for our stories and more exciting announcements!
A very warm and heartfelt “THANK YOU” to Zcash Foundation for supporting our Zcash Brazil team and dWeb Camp in the form of registration costs and sponsorship donation
PLUS, we’ll collaborate directly with the IPFS team at Protocol Labs to develop this use case.
Another benefit that came from connections made at dWeb Camp!
Earlier this month, several of us in ZF AV Club and Zcash Brazil participated in dWeb Camp in Ubatuba, Brazil.
I would like to invite you all to join the ZF AV Club Meetup next Thursday at 17h UTC.
During this monthly ZFAV meetup we will talk about what that experience was like, how we each contributed and what we learned.
Folks from dWeb Brazil and the global dWeb communities will also share with us (Zcashers) about what dWeb is and the challenges they face in hopes of learning how we can support them and strengthen the connections that we’ve only just started to build.
Today at 16h UTC is the first Zcash Weekend Watchparty hosted by Zcash Foundation Audiovisual Club on Free2z and Zcash Global Discord. Each Saturday we’ll stream, for our collective enjoyment, recently recorded events from the Zcash community. Maybe some classics, too!
We’ll catch up on news and chat over recent gossip.
The structure and format of the Zcash Weekend Watchparty is likely to change and evolve, as we do.
That was fun experiment and I personal learned a lot about what the Zcash Weekend Watchparty could be, as well as how to produce something like this.
Looking forward to next weekend’s stream, starting on Friday evening (Europe) and running through until Monday morning!
Join us on Wednesday in Zcash Global Discord to brainstorm ideas for next weekend!
Important note: Streaming on Free2z ran for 44 hours without interruption whereas Discord kicked me out of the video channel on Saturday night and Sunday night, while I was sleeping.
Wrapped Zcash Weekend Watchparty #2 and it feels like a win for team Z!!!
Where’s this wild ride going? One might wonder.
Join the club’s Monthly Meetup (Nov. 30 at 18h UTC) for a special edition workshop, hands-on, behind-the-scenes look at producing your own Zcash Weekend Watchparty!