Zingo Labs Accelerates Zcashd Deprecation

When you build something new you inevitably encounter unpredictable environments.

In the course of building zaino we encountered behavior in zebrad that no-one could have predicted because of the size, age, and diverse contributor set of the codebase.

In the current environment where that aspect of zebrad (“regtest-mode”) is being rapidly upgraded, we have been able to contribute by detecting issues, and communicating efficiently and clearly with the zebrad team. Indeed this process has both demonstrated and refined our cross-community collaboration patterns.

In the meantime our Zaino Milestones have been delayed in part because we needed to focus developer-time on this zebrad behavior, and in part because upgrading zebrad is required for parts of zaino to be completed.

This is not to say that this behavior accounts for all of the delay in zaino. As mentioned elsewhere, and reported in @pacu 's weekly update, I miscalculated how fast developers could switch foci, and that left zaino with fewer resources than anticipated.

This post is to request that the @ZCG provide us with a retroactive payout worth $4000.00 to cover the developer effort that was necessary to formally isolate the behavior in systems beyond our direct control. This payout would serve to cushion our treasury against the delay of MileStone 2, that’s a consequence of this environment.

Thanks for your thoughtful attention!