Zingo Labs Accelerates Zcashd Deprecation

It wasn’t my pick.

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I am hearing that there are reservations in the ECC team about this grant? Do you have suggestions or questions @daira
@Dodger ?

Please reach out if there’s something to discuss. We are already more than a week later in the schedule than we intended.

Without more efficient communication we may not be able to contribute to the deprecation effort.

Have folks reviewed the most recent update to the proposal?
It includes the agreed upon revisions.

@zancas This was discussed during yesterday’s Arborist call. I don’t think there are reservations so much as your grant proposal may need some massaging or refinement.

It would be helpful if you were to join the weekly meetings we have to discuss zcashd deprecation, and the Arborist calls.


Thanks! I’m working to get all the right players together, and ensuring that we’re focused on doing the right work, right away.

We’ll be present at all LCWG, and Arborist calls going forward.


Totally went down a horse-color-in Spanish rabbit hole. Never heard of vaino but I’m familiar with alazán which seems to mean the same thing. It turns out there are as many Spanish words for horse colors as artic people have for snow. Oscuro is pretty cool. Free2z

No sé mucho sobre caballos y no soy hablante nativo, pero yo lo llamaría un caballo castaño, un caballo alazán, un caballo oscuro. “Oscuro” suena genial.

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Also the Zcashd Deprecation meeting that takes place on Thursdays at 3pm UTC.

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Sharing the annotated diagram from today’s Arborist call.
Annotated_Zaino_diagram.pdf (82.4 KB)