Just adding a thought here.
After the community was asked to make proposals, after the community gets remembered all the time that time for a submission is ticking and that time is running out. After we all know of the importance of the funding question and of course the hardness for many community members or even unability to form a valid zip.
Shouldn’t these proposals (ALL) be high priority than? Maybe having someone from the foundation/ECC dedicated to the proposals would make sense, encourage proposal makers to fine-tune them, make more proposals from interested people and so on.
Let’s be honest, most of us here can’t fine-tune and make the proposals zip ready their own. Having in mind the importance of these, at least i had the impression they are important, and than seeing them just staying around without discussion, official input, improvement suggestion, help on zip, whatever, is absolutly discouraging and i think the Foundation/ECC should have had and still in mind when asking the community to make proposals that this is not going to happen without intensive help.