ZOMG is not what i thought

Recently, we had a meeting to discuss the ZOMG white paper. Since we all acknowledge the difficulty in choosing and tracking projects, I suggested that one of the ZOMG grants goes to funding a ZOMG grant tracking platform.
AFAIK, the ZIP does not prevent them from funding such a thing and it will go a long way to help the zcash ecosystem with better projects.

Here are the slides I made

The tracking platform is the first slide after the title slides (p. 3)

  • Pre-approval:
    • Establish Project Goals
    • Technical “Whitepaper” or POC
    • Timeline & Milestone Exit Criteria
    • ROI and KPI
  • During project
    • Regular Scheduled Progress Updates
    • Open Demos
    • Community Driven Peer Review
    • Option to Adjust Trajectory or even Abort
  • After
    • On going Checkpoint vs ROI
    • Debriefing

Anyway, with no real fund to speak of, I think the ZOMG is doing as much as they could.

To be honest, I think the community should find a way to operate, moderate and regulate these grants but I’m a bit fearful that it becomes largely dominated by politics and demagogy.
However, I don’t think we should leave the control of grants in the hands of a single individual whether from ZF, ZOMG, ECC or elsewhere.

Edit: It doesn’t have to be a fancy platform. A form with a detailed manual could do. Probably easier than doing your taxes.