I’m a software developer and longtime privacy & free-speech enthusiast.
In the dot-com era, I helped found a company devoted to decentralized instant-messaging, Activerse, and then a community-built, hash-keyed directory of media on peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, Bitzi. Bitzi was an early promoter of Merkle-tree hashing for trustworthy file-fragment delivery, and first specified the “magnet” link. Around that time I met Zooko, and I still have a ‘MojoNation’ T-Shirt.
Since then, I’ve helped the non-profit Internet Archive and its partner libraries around the world develop & maintain open-source web-crawling and archive-replay (“Wayback”) software, done contract machine-learning consulting and teaching, and assisted other individuals and organizations navigate the world of crypto-currencies. I continue to advise the Internet Archive on its crypto-currency fundraising, and have received compensation as an advisor to the ZCash Company.