Making here a topic about interesting POS/“POS like”/POA features and designs i came across while researching and testing different POS coins. Feel free to discuss and comment these features…
While i’am well aware that POS won’t be an option fo ZEC the next year this thread is not about forcing ZEC to POS, but to educate ourself about possible features, designs and interesting solutions to solve different problems and/or to invent new things.
I won’t mention the POS coins by name, but only the interesting facts/designs/solutions/possibilities as my intention is not to promote any of these coins. However, i will compare some of the features and designs to ZEC as we are on the ZEC forum at all and maybe in future, when POS becomes maybe a solution for ZEC, the devs may pick up some of these interesting ideas and make them even better, no matter it will be soonest in 2 years.
Like the “List of equihash coins” i will try to keep this topic updated.
Here the first thing that catched my eye. Voting through the POS wallet where all proposals are shown. Compared to the current ZEC voting it is totally different and in my opinion and way better solution for proposals. I mean nearly nobody checks the gifthub channels, not even talking about how difficult the navigation there is, most aren’t even aware how to vote or get a voter in ZEC. Maybe such thing could be implented even without POS?!
Having voting in a POS wallet in my opinion is a big step toward transparency, involving holders into decisions and the project itself. I really like that feature.
Images how it looks like at the desktop wallet: