Allow “special exception” to the Orchard codebase for the Monero Project

So you’re recommending weaponizing BOSL to essentially make Zcash’s Orchard upgrade “source available” (not open-source by any definition of the term) until you feel that you’ve sufficiently benefited from the code, and then going open-source via MIT at some point once you deem it can in no way be used to compete with Zcash?

You even clearly state you want to leverage BOSL to grant Zcash a “1st mover’s advantage” over other open-source projects instead of providing the code and research to the broader open-source community.

How does that align with the spirit of open-source or many of the founding principles of Bitcoin, Zcash, Monero, etc?

Edit: Toned down the initial response and clarified quite a few points.