I have a novel suggestion: lets remove the licensing restriction, MIT license orchard, and let monero and anyone else use it. Any competent competitor, including Monero, can already build a circuit on top of the halo code base which is MIT licensed. Simple circuits are easy and cryptocurrencies don’t compete on circuit complexity (or, a la axie infinity, even security).
Beyond that, the license is a very very strange restriction. Add into this some weird issues with who owns it vis-à-vis the community that paid for it via the dev fund and who the revenue would go to for a hypothetical paid license, and having a weird license just seems like a governance risk for the community. Having a restrictive licensee turns the code base into a resource that we have no plans to use and no (ethical or even easy) way to exploit, but contention for how it could be used will cause infighting. In contrast, removing the licensing restriction and taking the human freedom maximalist position, would avoid this entire problem.