Alphaday is a powerful crypto workflow aggregator that pulls in news, on-chain data, social media, web3 services and much more into one customizable UI

I will do my best to join in tomorrow’s general chat. That’d be at 20:00 UTC+3.
Note that next two weeks I will be unavailable, but Paris from our team will be able to replace me while I am gone.


This sounds great. Looking forward to meeting you and the team. Thank you!


That was fantastic! Thank you @Alphaday for joining us. I think it was very productive. I’ll get you some more of the details that we discussed.

Meanwhile, I encourage anyone who is reading this to take a look at the Zcash dashboard and fill us in on anything that you think could be added.


Hey everybody, my name is Paris I am your content editor and I will be handling your requests until Mike comes back.


Thank you for introducing yourself, Paris. It’s been a pleasure working with Alphaday so far!
I’m supposed to get you a list of Zcash Podcasts to add as the default for the podcast widget. There’s other stuff on my list of content to send your way but I am traveling and don’t have that list in-front of me at the moment. I’ll post it all here tomorrow.

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Hi @Paris.Ch.Giannakou and @Alphaday,

The podcast widget can start with the podcast list on ZecHub Wiki.

What platforms work best with that widget? I’m also generally curious about where people are publishing podcasts these days.

We’ll have more podcasts for you soon. Anyone who’s reading this and wants to add a podcast, shout it out.

I’m still organizing some calendars to add. We’ll have a couple of those to you soon.

The Zcash Newsletter widget is REALLY COOL !! :tada: Great idea @squirrel !!

The ECC team members widget looks good but can we change the title to “Electric Coin Company Team”?

Maybe the Zcash Key Team Members should be renamed to “Zcash Foundation Team” and updated to just have the bios of those colleagues? That would be the list at the bottom of about - Zcash Foundation

I don’t know how far everyone wants to go with the lists of people but we could have a widget for ZCG Committee and Zcash Global Ambassadors.

That’s all I have, for now.

Thank you!!


Hey @ryan.taylor, I have renamed the team widgets, I will update the bios hopefully on Monday, regarding the podcasts Apple, Spotify and google seem to be very compatible, unfortunetely I cannot import podcasts from youtube to the podcast widget. I could add them in the video widget OR I could add a new Video Widget named “Youtube Podcasts”, let me know your thoughts and we can have this done very quickly.
Have a great weekend.


Hello @ryan.taylor,
Did you guys get the chance to review the new changes done by Paris? I am open to joining the next Zcash call on Discord if there are any further requests.

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Hi Michael,

I’ve been on vacation for the last couple of weeks and catching up on projects now. The monthly ZFAV meetup is this Thursday so my energy is focused on that at the workshop and weekly meetings this week.

Join us on Thursday at 18h UTC to hear about ZF A/V Club participation at Zcon4!

Early next week I can take another look at the dashboard. Let me know if you’re able to join our workshop next Tuesday or the meeting next Wednesday (both 18h UTC) and we can chat then, too.


Hello Ryan,

Welcome back from your vacation!

I’ll join in on Thursday’s call for a bit, and I’ll be more passive as the subject is of a different focus.
Regarding next week’s calls, I’ll join either Tuesday or Wednesday’s call (likely Tuesday) and actively participate regarding the dashboard.


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@Alphaday we have a new calendar for ZFAV Club. Will this work for automatically importing into the dashboard?


Hello @ryan.taylor, it is possible to import it automatically using an RSS feed. The page itself currently does not have one. I’m sure there is a way to create an RSS feed through the Notion site for the Zcash events.
If you already have an RSS feed then you can just share the link with me and I’ll automate it all.
If I am not mistaken, can help you do this…

Looks great btw!

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Where is this news summary coming from?

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Hello Ryan,

The News Summary takes all the aggregated articles from the News widget, and uses AI (OpenAI) to create a summary out of it.

As you may have noticed, not everything it creates is accurate. If you do not want it, I can remove it until we improve it to a much better version.

Hello and thanks for the quick response :grin:

Yes, please remove that widget. It’s a cool idea and I look forward to seeing what it can do when it’s grown but for now it’s too confusing.

Thank you!

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Hello @ryan.taylor,

I am trying to add a Discord announcements widget to the Zcash dashboard, but the imported data is flawed (check image attached).

I used the link below:

I talked to the devs and they said it’s due to the content source (‘reannouncements’ if I remember correctly).

Is there another announcement source or even another Discord chatroom that you’d to add in its place?

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Cool! I will talk with our Discord community managers and get back to you. Thank you!

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The announcements channel in Zcash Global server would be the best connection for this use.

Here’s an invite link:

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That’s the one currently in use and is importing codes (screenshot above). Our devs are working on it to see if we can find a solution.
If there is another link for Discord, then I can add that until we figure it out.

Hello @ryan.taylor and everyone else here, hope you are well!

Could you please take a few minutes to fill in this mini questionnaire as feedback?

We are building something new and revamping parts of our product, we’d apprecciate if you could contribute with your feedback.

Thank you,