Announcing the Zcash Gardening Club - a monthly open Zcash development call


How is this related to other ECC meetings?

  • Zeal Calls are monthly calls for the broader Zcash community and users. Zeal Community calls cover a range of topics such as guest speakers from other privacy organizations and occasional technical AMAs.
  • ECC Livestreams are quarterly presentations by ECC for the public. Livestreams cover ECC strategy and engineering roadmaps.

What are related resources for Zcash open source contributors?

Will ECC or Zfnd present here?

This meeting is open to presentations by those teams, especially for status updates or requests that are likely to be of interest to the open source community. ECC intends to present regularly.

However, a priority for this open invite meeting is to make sure a broad range of projects have a space for presenting and collaborating so we will avoid giving larger / established orgs crowding out other projects.

I think Zcash should do X, is this a good place to make my case?

You’re welcome to present about a well-prepared proposal in the short 5 minute slot. That’s just enough time to give people an understanding of the basics and invite them to follow-up conversations elsewhere. This isn’t a good venue to present the entire proposal or discuss it. A good place for posting a proposal and following up on it could be the Zcash Forum.

I have a project that isn’t a software project. Is this a good place to share it?

If your project is relevant to the Zcash open source development community, this is a great place to share that. Examples might be technical study groups, developer research projects, translation projects, minicon organization, etc…

I have a commercial product and want to announce / market / recruit users for my product, is this the right venue?

This venue is only appropriate for engaging with open source collaborators for a Zcash-focused project. If your product is Zcash focused, has an open source component, and you want to engage with Zcash developers, you are welcome. To engage with Zcash users consider a more appropriate venue, such as forum announcements, asking to give a demo at a Zcash Zeal call or post in the Zcash Forum.

What if there are too many presenters?

If there are more presenters than time, we’ll prioritize hearing from new projects, or the projects which have gone longest since the last update. If there are more presenters than slots for several months in a row we may increase the meeting frequency.

What if this is a bad time for me, for example because it’s in the middle of the night where I live?

Let us know! If there’s enough interest we may rotate time-of-day to be globally inclusive.

Why the name?

We wanted to pick something less generic than “Zcash Open Source Status Call” because we think it’s memorable and fun to have some mascot or identity. Zcash protocol upgrades use an arboreal theme, maybe this is gardening in a forest? :wink: