Articles about Privacy and Security

This last one is more more about the ethics of the company in question (all these articles are about blackstone), they’re not good people


Hey guys! Doesn’t it seem to you that some of the articles are way too cautioning? For instance one states “Disable TouchID and FaceID not to give away your biometrics”. But we post so many personal photos on social media - isn’t it too late? :sweat_smile:

Hi Jungee,

Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

I guess some are, if people take them more as information to help them gauge their risk then that is a good thing.

If your information is already out there the articles might help you prevent certain types of issues from becoming issues. They also help me keep up with stuff not directly related to stuff I use.

Maybe for some, but hopefully not for others. Something I only found out fairly recently was that fingerprint readers in phones are more accurate than methods the uk police use.

As biometrics become an increasing part of our security practices it is important people realise what they might be giving up, who they are giving the information to and what those people might be able to do with it. That way they can make informed choices.

I think if you tried to follow all steps at all times you would be in for a very miserable life, heh.

Wow… those corporations :sweat_smile:

And very stressful - always trying to do things the right way.

Things are starting to get interesting.

We all knew it was happening, people having been giving away their privacy for years.

Funny how its a war when china does it to other countries citizens but not when govts do it to their own citizens…

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This made it to the inbox, I don’t have an account :100: and obviously its not smart enough to see the off lettering

Affects all known BT

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Your regularly scheduled reminder - VPNs are trash.


vpns are still trash see you in another 4 months


I respect your persistence in bring continued focus to this issue. My goal is to maintain the same persistence in bringing attention to the huge transparent transaction problem that plagues Zcash

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Dont worry, people wont want to use t addresses this time next year when only something with a z is supported.

btw - im not trying to troll you here, but you obviously have a single issue handle - are you total t removal? or is two ppl t2t each other okay.

because for me the problem is i dont get much chance to spend z, and why spend t? id eth or btc is generally a better deal. (oh and monero is far mre popular or dark markets)

I think we need to reshape how the fiat / zec is handled.

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I will be extremely happy when everyone listed here only displays a Z address.

Yes I am for total t removal eventually.

That is one of the several reason why I don’t think we are not yet ready to remove t addresses in the immediate term.

  • We should make sure that Z to BTC atomic swap clients are usable and liquid enough to ensure on-ramps remain available to everyone. More exchanges will add Z support to protect market share when they see liquidity for competing shielded on ramps grow.

  • Hardware wallet Z support seems to be getting close. Ledger is great, but we can pay for additional integrations. Diversity is good.

  • Turnstile related concerns that some desire in order to prove supply during migrations from one shielded pool to another

  • Other blockers (to t removal) can and should be dealt with once we commit to the goal of making Zcash private.

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I dont do radio controlled aircraft and it looks like I may never

And the ‘for drones’ is misleading, its ‘for all radio controlled aircraft’

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stop google tracking you.

cross posting but seems relevant here too. no adverts for mobile, you can download and more.

@Autotunafish not meaning to cause an argument, but all unmanned flying aircraft are drones.

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That app is cool :+1:
And the drone thing must to do with digital control though I can imagine their leaving the definition purposefully blurred as not being unintentional

Ill just leave this here for you @Autotunafish

Ive just finished rebuilding my chemistry lab (yay! I havent done biochemisty in years. really looking forward to GMO stuff and maybe copying nighthawk and try to grown a brain computer)

So after years of promising both you and mike, I am finanlly getting into SDR. Can you point me to some easy yet interesting projects. Preferably stuff that teaches me how to take things futher on my own.


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Well there’s many answers there, for a very low cost beginner setup I would suggest what I use which is an RTLSDR V3, theres dozens of easy projects besides just listening to things and for the cost its extremely versatile but RX only and there are other comparable dongles as well, this would give you a firsthand idea about settings and proper usage and experience with said projects so you can kinda feel out what you’d like and also so in case you pop it then your only out about $25.
If you wanted to like spoof something then a TX capable unit would be needed and those are more pricey usually in the few hundred dollar range, theres some decent cheaper ones too I believe, increased capabilities yes but then it also gets trickier with liscensing which is sticky and ehhh what with the low power output but would still apply so worth mentioning and a digression (and not universally applicable) but I was just thinking the hackrf probably is not FCC certified transmitter and thats the other sticky part because you can’t modify ones that are. They tend to also be more sensitive and susceptible to being damaged (the internal amplifiers) more easily by high power transmissions than the cheaper ones.
The complete other half of this story is antennas :tokyo_tower::satellite::paperclip:

I was gonna type something out but too lengthy, just look through the navigation bar and it’ll list some common projects

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I know thats not much help, I can’t remember what initially motivated me to get one but after playing with the spectrum analyzer and just scoping around for anything really I decided to try getting LEO weather satellite images from NOAA and then from Meteor, then from GOES geostationary, then aircraft tracking with ADBS, meteor scatter which I want to try again, the ISS SSTV events, then I built a longwire for SW and terrestrial SSTV, participated in a solar eclipse ionospheric measurement experiment, tried GPS decoding but dang windows… Lol, uhh maybe something else too not sure. But like I said, half of most those tales are about antenna design and construction which you don’t have to do and just buy them but thats kind of a thing for me, literally fixated on antennas idk so it I fell into it naturally.
The neatest thing I’ve seen as far as the more hackish side of it goes is a stringray detector called crocodile hunter

which finds the malicious fake cell sites, takes some of the pricier gear (the lime isn’t too much) but maybe you could be out looking for LoRa weather balloons too or something (finder’s keepers!), theres really no shortage of stuff to do

so this is how it starts. gl everyone.